Chapter II

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The thing is, Darlene never actually made it to the Festival. 

A bunch of bandits were in town, and lets just say, they weren't being nice. Darlene was unlucky enough that she and them crossed paths. 

One of the bandits came to speak to her, thinking the girl was rich. She didn't know it yet, but Darlene was pretty beautiful. Her hair, a pale blonde, brought out her eyes, which were a violent shade of violet. Her eyebrows were thin and arched, she had a button note, and her lips were always curved up in a cheerful smile. 

"Hey there, dearie!" A tall guy, dressed not very middle age-y, said to Darlene, as he plucked the flower from her hair. 

"Um, hi." Darlene's smile wavered. "Can I have my flower back, please? A friend gave it to me and I don't want to hurt her feelings by giving it away three minutes after I got it."

"Why, such good manners." The guy said, but not kindly, "Have your flower." He gave her the flower back, but in turn took a necklace she was wearing. "How did she see me? I'm the best there is!" He thought to himself. 

"Thank you..." Darlene was looking REALLY uncomfortable now. "The necklace isn't for sale, by the way. It's custom made and you'll need to get one somewhere else." She told him, shuffling her feet. 

The guy was mad now and wasn't even trying to keep it from her. Outraged, he replied, "Nah uh, you'll gimme the necklace or imma gonna kidnap ya!" Without giving Darlene time to consider, he choked the necklace back on her neck and, with a firm grip on her, took her away to the rest of his guys. He wanted to kidnap her more than he really wanted the necklace, it was clear. How no one saw him carry a girl away...that was a mystery. 

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