To Take Over Everything

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They were falling.

Well, maybe.

It was hard to tell.

It felt like he was, but his hair and clothes were laying still, like he wasn't moving at all.

Agust forced his eyes open, realized he was clinging to the blonde stranger and he screamed, trying to push himself away.

"You- what- where- my oven-" Agust looked around, seeing they were shooting through time and space, chased by colors he's never seen before. Images from different points of time shot past them, as if they were in a tube going a million lightyears a second.

"You're getting in my way!" The stranger snapped, pointing his sword at him.

Agust held his hands up. "Don't shoot!"

"I have big plans, if you want to avoid a fate worse than death, stay out of my path." The stranger warned, authority in his tone.

"Hey, you shoved me down here with you." Agust reminded him. "I was just taking an innocent walk my with gay ass boyfie-" He gasped, twirling around to search for Namjoon. "Namjoon!"

"If you're talking about the tall brown haired extra, he's not with us here." The stranger crossed his arms, sword finally pointing away from Agust.

"Where is exactly" Agust peered at the shooting colors around them.

"We're in time itself." The stranger said. "My sword cuts through it, allowing me to go to whatever era I please."

Agust remembered the first time he had seen the stranger. "The fire..."

"You were there, the first time I ever travelled." The stranger eyed him. "And then again the second time I did."

"Are you following me?" Agust faced him. "Who are you? Where are you from?"

"Why would I follow a peasant commoner nobody like you?" The stranger snorted. "No, I'm a king on a mission."

A king.

Namjoon had said the boy was wearing Joseon clothing, and he recalled from history class that that era lasted for five centuries, from 1392 to 1897.

"What's your mission?" Agust asked. "And how is your sword able to cut through time? And where are we going? How old are you? Or is your age not a real thing since you time travel so much? You look young, when's your birthday? I'm a Pisces, Chinese year of the water r-"

"Shh!" The king suddenly grabbed him, slapping his hand over the boys mouth. "It'll hear us."

Agust struggled to push him off, but then he heard it.

He went still, feeling the colors and images whoosh past them, though his hair and jacket were never ruffled.

Their tube of light shook, like an earthquake.

"It's here." The king glared, letting go of the black haired boy. He drew his sword out, but there was nothing to point it at.

Agust tried to keep his balance in the rumbling light. "What is it? That black smoke thing? Why is it after you?"

"It's a curse."

Before Agust could ask anything else, black suddenly pierced through the light.

Agust screamed, falling back.

He stared with terrified wide eyes as the black mass split into two, slowly prying the light apart.

He felt himself getting pulled out of the light as the gap grew wider, the blackness sucking him in.

He tried to grab onto anything, but there was nothing solid here except for himself and the king.

The blonde stranger leaped in front of him, sword aimed at the black curse.

He didn't look scared at all, just angry and determined.

"Get out of here, witch!" He shouted, and the sword lit up in flames.

Agust watched in shock as the king stabbed the blade into the darkness, and the curse roared.

The sound shattered the white light around them, fracturing it like glass.

"We need to get out before this ceases to exist." The king snapped, grabbing Agust's arm and hauling him up.

"Who- what- wh-"

The king swung the sword vertically down the light, cutting a new opening. He grabbed Agust and shoved him towards it.

"Go!" He ordered.

The light shook and fractured more as the curse screamed, reaching for them.

Without much choice, and even less thought, Agust held his breath and pinched his nose shut, cannonballing through the opening.

AgustΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα