chapter three

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Third year-

"CHARLIE!" Lily yelled at the brunette to wake up. "Five more minutes." Charlie muffled in her pillow. "Come on if you want to eat we have to go soon." Alice said in her soft voice from across the room. "Food?" Marlene lifted her face from her pillow. "Both of you, up, Now." Lily demanded. "I'm up" "mhm" the girls responded in usion.

After ten minutes Charlie was dressed in her uniform and scarlet and gold decorated robes with her hair pulled up in a straight messy ponytail. Charlie grabbed her leather satchel and all her books she needed for her classes.

The four third year girls walked down to the great hall while discussing there classes. Once they reached the great hall, the girls took a seat in the middle of the Gryffindor table. The self exclaimed Marauders only a few seats ahead of them. Once the girls sat down at the table Marlene dugged straight into the food grabbing a bagel and spreading some cream cheese on top. Charlie grabbed a piece of buttered toast and some eggs.

After breakfast the girls went there separate ways with Lily and Charlie both going to Care of Magical Creatures. But before they could go Mcgonagall placed a piece of parchment on the way out of the Great hall. "First Hogsmede Trip this Week Thursday." Charlie read. "We should go all of us girls." Charlie told Lily with excitement. "YES!! That would be so much fun-" Lily was cut off by a familiar glasses wearing boy. "Or you could go with your favorite Potter. What you say Lilyflower?" 

Lily just rolled her dark green eyes and sighed annoyed. "Go away James" Charlie told her brother. Next to James; Sirius, Peter, and Remus appeared. "Is that a yes or a no?" James asked the redhead with a confused look on his face, ignoring his sister. "It's a no Potter." Lily said while walking away. Charlie followed giving an annoyed look to James. James stood with an expression as if he didn't do anything wrong. Peter gave him a pat on his back while Sirius joked about how he got rejected, again; while Remus caught up with the two girls.

"What class are you guys going to?" Remus asked the girls while still behind them. "Care of Magical Creatures." Charlie answered. "Oh me too!" The redhead and brunette both looked at each other giving each other a smile. "You can come Remus." Lily responded. Remus smiled and joined the girls to class. The trio walked down to the courtyard talking about the Hogsmede trip, while every once in awhile Remus and Charlie's hand would touch which would send butterflies to Charlie's stomach.

Once they reached the courtyard they saw Professor Kettleburn with a few unrecognizable creatures. As the trio stood waiting for the other students to arrive Charlie looked at the creatures trying to identify them, she saw a small blueish snake-like creature with purple wings and a beak. "It's an Occamys." Remus told the girl, "I'm surprised he has one, there native to east India." "I didn't know you liked Care of Magical creatures." Charlie looked at the Lupin boy who was blushing. "I read about it once or twice." Remus said while finding a particular interest in the floor.

"Okay class today we will be learning about Imps, Flobberworms, and Occamys. If you could open your book to page 9." As the professor talked about Imps, Charlie was thinking about the Hogsmede trip. She was so excited to go with Lily, Alice, and Marlene but she hoped her brother and his friends weren't there. James tries to hit on Lily while the girls are having fun and it just ruins it. Plus him and Sirius are very annoying together.

After learning about the three creatures, class was over and time for charms with professor Flitwick. Charms was Charlie's favorite class. "What class do you have now?"  She asked the redhead. "I have Divination, what about you?" "Charms" the Potter girl responded. "See you at lunch then." Lily waved goodbye to Charlie as she made her way to Charms.

When Charlie got into the class room she tried to find a familiar face to sit with. She spotted Marlene but she was sitting with Alice, then she saw her brother sitting alone. She went up to his seat to ask to sit there. "I'm sorry Charlie but this seat is reserved for Evans." James said while watching the door. "Well then it will be empty due to the fact that Evans is in Divination." Charlie told her brother. "Well Sirius should be here soon, you can sit with Peter then." Peter looked up from his notebook when he heard his name "oh yes please, I would rather sit with you then someone I don't know." Peter told her with a smile. "Thanks Peter." Charlie sat next to Peter who was sitting behind James. Sirius finally arrived right on time as he sat next to James.

Lunch finally arrived after Transfiguration which she sat with Alice. Once the two girls made it to the beautiful great hall, they sat with Marlene and Lily. "Hogsmede this week, did you girls want to go together?" Lily asked. "For sure" Marlene said while stuffing her mouth with bread. "That would be fun, I'm in." Alice responded. "Ok that's perfect."

Charlie was so excited for Thursday she was never been to Hogsmede. She's been told it's beautiful and has amazing butterbeer. She was forced back to reality when she saw a far to familiar group of boys. "Hello Evans!" Her brother said. "Hey James there's other people in the world besides Lily." Marlene told James. "Hello Marlene. Alice. Charlie." James looked at all of them when saying there names. "Well Lilyflower you could always come sit with the better Potter instead of her." James looked at Charlie. Charlie sent daggers at James. "I'm sorry Potter but I would rather not." Lily turned her back towards James and continued to eat.


A/n: Hey finally updated!! Does anyone know a  fan cast for Alice?
Words: 1020


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