Horikita Route (6) End [Remade]

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7 Days Before Graduation.

Kiyotaka sits at his couch, waiting for his girlfriend. Looking at his phone, she was already supposed to come over 2 minutes ago, but apparently she's late-



Knock Knock

"Coming!" Kiyotaka exclaimed, bolting towards the door. There stood his girlfriend, in a white shirt along with a red skirt, similar to their first date.

"Hey, Suzune. You look nice today, what's the occasion?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Really?" Suzune asked, an annoyed look on her face.

"I'm joking, I'm joking. I know this is our anniversary date. Well, technically not, since we had tests that day." Kiyotaka said, calming Suzune down.

"Just let me get my wallet and we can go." Kiyotaka said, letting Suzune wait at the door. He eventually came back, a small black item in his hand.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." Suzune said, walking away. Kiyotaka jogged a bit, and caught up to her.

"How do I look?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Decent. Now come on, let's go!" She exclaimed, her voice stern.

'Scary,' Kiyotaka thought. Although they had been dating for the past few years, Suzune's serious demeanor had not changed that much.

The two walked in silence for a bit, with Kiyotaka not really knowing what to do. Suzune was like a minefield but with compasses. One wrong move and you get stabbed.

"It's crazy how fast this year went by, eh?" Kiyotaka said, attempting to break the silence.

"Yeah, it has...it feels like just yesterday Ike and Sudou did that stupid prank on us." Suzune said, getting a bit agitated at the memory.

"Oh, I remember that....."


"Come on Sudou! We have to set up!" Ike exclaimed, a bucket of water in his arms. "I'm coming, be patient you bastard!" Sudou exclaimed, running as fast as he could without dropping the supplies in his hand.

Ike did a quick turn, and saw nobody was in the classroom. "Perfect! Nobodies in here, meaning that we have plenty of time to set up." Ike said, placing the bucket of water on one of the student's desks. Sudou came in, panting.

"God.....how.....are you......so fast all of a sudden?" Sudou asked, taking deep breaths.

"I've always been this fast, I don't know what you're talking about~" Ike said, boosting his own ego.

"Sure.....let's just get this done." Sudou said, picking up a bucket and a pile of rope. He used his height to reach the top of the doorframe, and placed the bucket onto the top of the doorframe.

Sudou then tied a rope onto one of the handles, and let the rope fall behind the door.

"Perfect! Now, we just wait." Ike said, going behind the door. Sudou sat at his desk, and patiently waited.

"By the way, do not pull straight down! Pull it to the left!" Sudou exclaimed. Ike peeked out from behind the door, and nodded.

One by one, students trickled in. Surprisingly, both Kiyotaka and Suzune were late that day, due to something happening that night. But that's a later story.

As Ike waited behind the door, Kiyotaka and Suzune were close to entering the classroom. 

"Is your scent off of me? I don't want other students to know what we did," Suzune said, sniffing herself. Kiyotaka chuckled internally.

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