Horikita Route (5) Overnight

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After Suzune was done calling me an idiot, I directed my eyes at the clock. It was very late, to the point where Suzune would have no chance of sneaking out.

"Hey, Suzune. You do realize what time it is, right?" I asked. She also directed her eyes at the clock, and was surprised how late it was.

"It's 12 AM....."

"And you can't go out now, which means....." I trailed off, letting Suzune reach the conclusion herself. Her face became beet red, and she turned away from me.

"I-I have to stay here then." Suzune said, her voice getting progressively more shaky.


"....So I'll sleep on the couch then, you can take the bed-"

"No!" Suzune exclaimed, interrupting me.

"W-We can sleep together...." Suzune continued in a low voice.

"Oh? I guess I can, since you want me to so badly." I teased. Her blush got redder, and she stumbled over her words.

"Just joking." Suzune reached into her pocket, grabbing her compass.

"I'm going to go take a shower now, uh, see ya." I said, bolting to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me, and heard banging from the other side.

"Let me in so I can punish you!"

"No!" I exclaimed, my back to the wall. I waited for the banging to stop, and went into the shower. But as I walked away I heard a click sound.

"....I think I'll be fine." I turned the hot water on, and stepped in the shower.

Meanwhile, with Suzune

Ugh, that idiot! He always teases me, it's unfair. Now I have to wait for him to get out of the shower.

My eyes scanned around Kiyotaka's room, searching for something. I couldn't tell what I was trying to do, but my body moved on it's own. I found myself going into his bedroom, and searching everywhere.

"Let's see if you have anything indecent, Kiyotaka." I said, lifting up the sheets. There was strangely nothing under the bed, except a small wooden box. I grabbed it, and brought it out from under the bed. It had dust all over it, with a sticky note on top that was covered up. I brushed the dust off of the box, and looked at the title;

"Pictures of Mom...?" I said, opening the box. There were multiple pictures of a brown haired woman with golden eyes, in various places. Beside each picture was a sticky note, with a date and some notes on it. Most of them went back about 12 years ago, with the others being about a year older.

"Let's look at this one first." I said, reading the first sticky note.

'10/20/2004. That day is my birthday, and in this picture my mom is celebrating with me. I don't know how long this was before she left, but it's still nice seeing how she looked like.'

So Kiyotaka's mother left him? That's so...sad. I can't even imagine my life without my mother-

A click was heard, and I quickly put the box away. I sprinted into the living room, and sat on the couch. Luckily, Kiyotaka didn't come out, so I continued my search through his room.

Surprisingly, there was no pornography, or anything indecent. It was just a plain old room. He had some puzzles like Rubix Cubes, and other things, but that's all. But there was one more place to check.

His computer.

I quickly went to his laptop, and opened it up. It didn't have a password, how careless. The desktop finally opened, and I looked at his stuff.

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