Visitation Hours

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Hello my sweet Honeybuns! I've been gone for so long and my family is going to be moving soon so I won't have very much time to write until we all get settled into the new place, so this chapter and the next will have to do.


Hinata wasn't really known for her tendency to panic. Mainly because she didn't. At least, not very often.

Sure, she worried, she overthought, she was cautious and she got in over her head when thinking about things sometimes, but she didn't outright panic.

Well, that was what she thought about herself up until about 3 seconds ago.

A replay of the events that led up to this flashed through her mind, making her think that maybe, just maybe, she actually panicked a lot more than she thought she did.

Why think about something so seemingly useless at a time like this? Well, it was the only thing keeping her from losing her mind.

Because she has a fox man in her apartment, her cousin is waiting outside the front door, the said fox man wants to remain a secret based on her own observations, and her cousin was not the most secretive person in the world. Hinata was in a... situation that she had absolutely no idea how to get out of.

So, what did she do? Whatever came to her mind at the time. Which was to make the quick and a bit stupid but somehow also smart decision of hiding her unusual guest in the bathroom of all places.

(Now that she thought about it, why didn't she just hide him in her bedroom or something? Neji rarely ever enters her bedroom.)

Which is how she found herself here. Basically dragging the severely startled blond across her apartment and to the only bathroom right next to her bedroom.

(The poor guy was scared out of his mind. From the abruptness and from past experiences with getting dragged around.)

"Alright. Hide in here for a while and only come out when I come get you. Don't make any noise and keep the lights off." The apprehension in his eyes had her nerves slow down a bit, as she was previously unaware that she was also causing her guest to panic as well.

Letting go of his hand and stepping out of the way so he could go in, Hinata looked at him apologetically, already regretting the most likely very uncomfortable situation she was putting him in.

"I'm very sorry about this, Naruto-san. And I wish I had a choice, but I don't. So... please, just bear with it for a little while."

It hurt her.

To do this.

It was clear he hated closed in spaces, if the flicking of his ears and uneasy twitching of his tails were any indication.

Hinata herself didn't like it anymore than he did, but it was necessary.

Sighing a heavy, sad breathe, she reached for the door knob and closed the door gently, knocking to let the blond on the other side know that she was leaving now.

Making her way back to the front door, the young woman took a deep breathe in before opening the only thing separating her from her cousin.

There stood a young man with long brown hair and lavender eyes that were unique to the Hyuga family.

"Neji-nii-san..." Hinata muttered as her cousin made his way inside and slipped his snow boots off.

"Kon'nichiwa, Hinata. I hope you're well."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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