Field Of Dandelions

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This is the edited ver. of this prologue.


Anyway, I look forward to beginning this journey with y'all in a few weeks here and a new chapter will be posted every other day once chapter 2 comes out. I know, pretty frequent for someone like me right? Well, it's because I decided to be smart and write the entire story before I post any chapters.

So all the proofreading, editing and writing is all being done as I'm writing this.

Also, side note, for those that read or wants to continue reading Sage of Six Young Paths, just know that I'm putting that story on hold until both this story and The Adventures of Naruto and Hinata are done, that's when I can start focusing on some other stuff, such as SoSYP and a few other stories I want to begin writing, because I have quite a few good NaruHina stories I want to write this summer and fall.



"Otou-sama, will Okaa-sama be ok? She's really sick, isn't she? What if something goes bad! I don't want Okaa-sama to die!" A little girl pleaded to her father, desperately seeking comfort and reassurance that her beloved mother would make it through this.

"Settle down, dear daughter. While she may be getting sickly, your mother is a strong woman. She'll pull through, so have a little faith, young one." Said the girl's father while reaching down to pat her small head.

"Besides, I doubt Hitomi would want to leave you and Hanabi motherless. If nothing else, I absolutely believe that she'd fight to live for your sakes." He said with confidence, lips curving up into a soft smile, a smile that he shows only to those precious to him.

"O-ok, Otou-sama."


"You have my condolences, Hiashi-sama. It is truly unfortunate that this happened."

People quietly slipped in and out repeatedly throughout the day. Giving the Hyuga family their 'condolences'. And though, very few were sincere, Hinata appreciated it deeply.


The 6 year old girl's eyes became misty with unshed tears, and a painful lump got caught in her throat. How could this happen? Why did she leave? Why did mother leave her and Hanabi? Were they too much? She loved them didn't she?

'Okaa-sama... why?'


"O-Otou-sama...? Can you... say that again, please?"

Sighing, Hiashi repeated himself, "We're moving to Konoha 3 weeks from now, daughter."

"Why?" Hinata asked, utterly shocked at his statement, so much so that she completely forgot the dinner that was in front of her.

"Yeah yeah! Why!" Her little sister, Hanabi, parroted.

"Because, for the last 6 years, I've tried to raise you two here to the best of my abilities. But, the memories this place holds have become too painful to look past, and you both need to associate with children your age in order to grow socially. Please remember that I'm doing this with your best interests in mind." He explained, silently praying that his daughters would accept it without too much fuss.

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