Landing at Point Rain

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Luna's POV

I rest my hand on my arms, tired. "I've read the report on the first battle of Geonosis three times already," I complain.

"What about the holomaps?" Ahsoka asks, yawning while finishing her quick study of the Geonosis holomaps.

"I've read those twice. Pretty darn boring." I mumble in response, "You'd think the cruisers would be ready to go by now."

Ahsoka nods in agreement, "Can't wait to get back into battle." She says, cracking her knuckles, "I still have Anakin's record to beat." 

"What's the record to beat?" I grin.

"Master Skywalker holds the record at 73 kills." She sighs, "I've still got a long way to go."

I smile, opening my mouth to give a word of encouragement but am interrupted by my comm beeping.


"Luna, Ahsoka, meet me and Anakin in the main hanger. The cruiser's getting ready to leave." My master orders through my com.

"Well, we better get going," I say.

Ahsoka nods in agreement, "Yep." 


"I cannot believe we're back here again."

I was currently standing slightly behind Master Mundi and Obi-wan, patiently waiting for Anakin and Ahsoka to come back from routing Seppies on Dorin. Glancing out the window at the dusty planet, I crack my knuckles, mentally preparing myself for battle.

"It is unfortunate." Master Mundi's voice takes me out of my thoughts, "The resistance from the native Geonosians was stronger than we anticipated."

"The same can be said for their loyalty to Count Dooku." Obi-wan agrees as Anakin and Ahsoka walk in.

Master Mundi, "A fact that is often overlooked."

Turning to Anakin, Obi-wan sighs, "You're late." He states, unsurprised.

"Sorry, Master, Ahsoka and I were busy routing the Seppies near Dorin." Anakin explains quickly, a smile on his face."

Folding my arms, I grin, "So, who won?"

"My squadron alone had 55 kills," Ahsoka says proudly.

Anakin smirks, "Yeah, but mine had 76." He brags

Ahsoka and I roll our eyes, "Showoff."

"Well, I'm glad you are all enjoying yourselves." Obi-wan rolls his eyes.

Anakin grins, "Hey, it's just a little friendly competition, Master, nothing to worry about."

Obi-wan strokes his beard again, "What I worry about is the way this war seems to be drawing out with no end in sight."

"Which is why it is crucial our invasion of Geonosis meets with success." Master Mundi finishes.

"Agreed. Ahsoka, contact the Outer Rim Command." Anakin orders, "We're ready for our briefing."

I nod towards the holo table where I had already prepared a transmission, "They're already waiting for us."


"Our ships are in position and we are ready to begin our campaign against the Geonosians," Obi-wan reports to Master Yoda, Master Windu, and the Chancellor as the cruiser halts just above Geonosis.

"And what about Pogle?"Master Windu asks, "Any report on his location?"

Obi-wan presses a button on the table, revealing a 3D holo map of the battleground, "It seems he's holed up at the primary droid foundry here." He explains, "The factory is protected by a shield generator. Anakin, Ki-Adi, and I shall attempt a three-pronged attack through their defense lines to a staging area just short of the shield. Once we've landed, we shall knock out the shield generator. That is our primary target." He finishes, glancing up again.

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