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Luna's POV

I lay on my bed, head still spinning about the day. Tomorrow I would find out who Master Kenobi had chosen. Me? I couldn't help but hope.

The next day class was cancelled, so I decided to read in my room for the day. I hear a beep from my datapad and feel my eyes widen at the message. Master Vol'tra wanted to see me in the training hall ASAP. I jump up, smooth my robes and quickly walk out of my room. As I walk down the empty halls, I wonder what Master Vol'tra wanted. Maybe something about Master Kenobi? I couldn't help but hope... It was more likely that I was getting assigned to a mission maybe. Younglings older than 12 were sometimes assigned to missions when there was a shortage of battle forces, but that was only in rare cases. Still, it was more likely that than getting chosen by Master Kenobi.

When I arrived at the training hall, Master Vol'tra was already there. To my surprise, Hayden was also there and he glares at me.

"Master Vol'tra." I nod my head respectfully.

"Luna." Master Vol'tra smiles at me kindly, "You must be wondering why I asked for you." 

I nod my head silently.

"I will explain once one more person arrives-" She glances up, "And there he is now."

Me and Hayden both look up too. Master Kenobi was making his way towards us. My stomach clenches in nerves.

He nods respectfully. "Master Vol'tra. Luna. Hayden." Master Kenobi smiles at me and Hayden, "I see that both of you are ready."

I raise an eyebrow, "Ready for what exactly?" Dammit. I wanted to slap myself. Why oh why was I like this?! Turning red, I  mutter, "Sorry."

I could see Hayden smirking at me, and I grimace.

Not daring to meet Master Kenobi's eyes, I glance at Master Vol'tra, "The two of you will be accompanying Master Kenobi to his mission to reinforce Master Skywalker with his mission to destroy the Malevolence." She explains, "After the mission, you will be sent back to the Temple unless further... arrangements are made." She glances at Master Kenobi who nods in agreement.

I feel my heart beat faster. So I still had a chance!

Master Vol'tra nods to us, "Good luck and may the force be with you." She walks out of the room.

Master Kenobi turns and faces us, "Well, best be on our way." He tells us, "We'll head for the ship now."

As we walk down the halls to the main hanger bay, Master Kenobi gives us some instructions, "First of all, listen to orders," He glances at us, "One of the most important parts of being a padawan is to be able to listen to orders. Second of all, no risking your life. This is your first mission. Third, just be yourself around me. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Fourth, stay close to me at all times." 

I found myself seeing a few loopholes in the instructions, but I don't mention them. You never know when it might come in handy.

Both Hayden and I nod. Master Kenobi takes us to a Republic Cruiser where an Admiral stood waiting, "I suggest we get moving, sir." He states, his gaze lands on me and Hayden, "And they are..?"

"This is Luna and Hayden, they will be accompanying us for this mission." Responds Master Kenobi.

And hopefully many more. I think to myself.

We board the cruiser which immediately jumps to hyperspace. I watch in amazement at the blinding colours. This was my first time outside of Coruscant.

"Wow..." I breathe.

Obi-wan's POV

I smile as I watch the two younglings stare as we enter hyperspace. Soon, we exit hyperspace and could see a gigantic ship beginning to explode. The Malevolence.

I walk to the transmitters and call Anakin. "Anakin, do you copy?" 

His hologram appears, "I'm here." He responds.

"Congratulations. It looks like your mission was a success." I say, smiling.

Anakin grimaces, "Partially, but Grievous is still alive. The battle was pretty rough on my men. We're heading for the medical station."

I nod," We'll take it from here. But don't worry, we'll call when we need you."

"I'll be waiting, Obi-Wan."

Pressing the button to end the call, I turn to the Admiral. "Alright, let's finish what Anakin started."

The Admiral nod and signals for his men to begin shooting. Flashes of blue lasers fire at the Malevolence, and it slowly begins to destruct.

Soon, Anakin enters the ship with Master Plo and Ahsoka.

"Who're they?" Asks Anakin.

"What happened to a nice hello?" I roll my eyes at him, "This is Luna and Bruck, they'll be accompanying me on this mission."

"So in other words, by the end of this mission, you'll choose one of them to be your padawan." Anakin smiles at the two of them, "Good luck!"

I sigh. Anakin could be so tactless sometimes. Luna raises an eyebrow and I could tell what she was thinking. Hopefully me.

I smile to myself and we watch as our ships continue to fire at the malevolence. 

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