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Chapter 7

Zayn P.O.V.

                "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" All my mind could handle were these three words and I thought them over and over. Niall still hadn't woken up, but at least he was still alive. He had beaten the odds and survived the night, but his condition had worsened since then. Louis had woken up sometime in the night and he was now leaning protectively over Niall, with Liam right at his side. Harry was on the other side of the bed staring out the window.

                   I had taken over Liam's chair by the table around 3 in the morning and I hadn't moved since then.  I felt like there was nothing that could be done anymore. Niall condition was declining and the doctors were just watching. There was a surgery scheduled for later today to remove the hemorrhage caused by the stroke. They said they didn't know if they could stop the internal bleeding. Niall's odds were getting slimmer and slimmer. His life depended on this surgery. Without it or if it went badly he would die. Even if the surgery went well there was a good chance that Niall would be paralysed for the rest of his life.

Louis P.O.V.

                  There was no way that Niall was leaving me. He wasn't leaving for many years to come and if the doctors wont make sure of that, I will. I've taken the role of protector leaning over Niall. No body was coming near Niall unless it was one of the other boys or a doctor. Niall's parents had yet to show up. They were miles away and probably had hours of travel left in their journey here. I was glad I didn't have to be the one to call his parents. Zayn had taken a role of responsibility. He had been the one to call Mr. Horan and Niall's mother Mrs. Gallagher, who would be bringing her new husband. When I had woken up, sometime around 1:00 am, Niall was the only one sleeping. All the boys were positioned around the room either staring into space or watching Niall for any sign of movement.

                I looked to my right and realised that Liam was practically plastered to my side. He was staring at me and we shared a long look. I'm not sure what he was thinking, I'm not even sure what I was thinking. My head seemed to have a permanant fog in it since I passed out. Maybe this was because of a concussion, who knows, but I didn't care enough to get it checked out because that would mean leaving Niall's side.

              Nobody spoke for a long time. We only opened our mouths when Mr. Horan walked in. A quick hello was all anybody said, including Mr. Horan. He rushed to Niall's side. After he was done examining his son he looked around for a chair. There wasn't one. I offered mine and both me and Liam sat on the floor. The surgery was set for 9:00 am, but this wasn't soon enough. As most of us had been up all night or woken up in the early hours of the morning it seemed like forever till 9:00 was on the display of the clock.

                Right on time the doctor rushed in with three nurses in his wake. He was equipped with a plate of tools, extra bags of saline, and shock paddles. I emotionally prepared myself for what was about to happen. Mrs. Gallagher, who had arrived just an hour previous, was crying in the corner of the room held in her husbands arms. This was it. Niall please pull through.

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