Bergressen x Russia (For Jacob)

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"Ivaaaan!!" Bergressen called. Bergessen's name is Aethwolf and his nickname was Bergy.

Currently, Russia was examining a map, reviewing the tactics.

"Yes. . ?" He didn't look up fron the map. Beggessen smirks as he points to the exit, an action telling the guards to leave. The guards leave right away and Bergessen smiles as he zips the entrance closed. He smirks evilly as he lays on the map and takes off Russia's scarf off.

"Bergessen vonKleinschmidt!! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" Russia exclaimed. "We need to review the tactics for the war!!" Bergessen chuckles as he slips Russia's coat off.

"We need to make sure that we aren't sick Ivan. We need to check if we have any rashes or sickness." He chuckles as he slowly starts to slip Russia's shirt off. "Can't risk anyone getting ur sickness. . ." He chuckles.

Russia backs away and fixes his shirt. "No can do sir. If we're sick, so be it. We need to fight no matter what!"

"But, we could loose more people that way!" Aethwolf pouts as he playfully pulls Russia in and wraps his legs around his waist. "I'm still doing a check up >:3" He evilly chuckled as he takes the shirt off. Russia sighs.

"Fine..." He rolls his eyes. Bergressen chuckles as his win as he sneakily takes off his own coat and shirt off. He takes off his shoes and socks then tackles Russia down.

Russia looks at him with wide eyes and sees that he is naked, along with Aethwolf. "AETHWO-"

"Shh... call me by my nick name.., Sunflower..." Russia blushes a bit.

"O-okay B-Bergy..." Russia cooed a bit. Begry smirks as he slids Ivan's pants off. Russia blushed devilishly as he tore Aethwolf's pants off. . .

~A while later~

"ГЕН-" A guard enters the tent and freezes. He walks away, snickering, and tells everyone that there were two naked generals, asleep, in a tent, under Russia's coat.

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