Tame: 3

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"Cameron?" I gaped. The cocky bastard winked and strolled in further, looking around nonchantly. 

"There's no pets in here." I frowned, gesturing at the reception. "They're back there." I jerked a thumb over my shoulder. 

"Cool. Can I go take a look?" He asked, which was pretty polite...for him. 

"Um, I guess. What kind of pet are you looking for exactly?" I quizzed, fairly interested. As peed off at him as I was, and as much as I hated him- it would be intereting to find out if the most popular boy at my school liked cute fluffy bunnies. A thought ran itself through my mind, my mouth dropped open in terror and I leapt in front of Cameron just before he reached the door to the animals.

"Hey!" He cried. "Christ, first you stalk me and now you're throwing yourself at me? Jesus woman, slow down a bit. We've only just met."

"Don't be so utterly ridiculous!" I snapped. "As if I'd ever want the likes of you."

This was a complete lie, Cameron was gorgeous. But he had a foul personality- that counted a lot more than looks. 

"Someone's hoity toity, aren't they?" Cameron teased. "So how come you won't let me in? I just wanted to take a look around."

"I couldn't ever, ever, ever, let an animal live with you. It would be torture, and I'm sure I'd get done for animal cruelty. You're insane, you'd probably test drugs on the poor pet or sell it for money or something else stupid." I explained, waving my arms around in demonstration, making him take a few steps backwards.

"Wow, is that what you think I'm like? Thanks so much." Cameron rolled his eyes, his tone bitter and sarcastic.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "I doubt you'd actually do that, but you're crazy. I heard you rode your motorbike into someone's open garage? For no reason? And you rode over the owener of that houses' foot?"

Cameron raised an eyebrow and I knew I was in trouble.

When I was a child my Mom told me I needed to be honest, polite, and always kind to people. It didn't matter if I wasn't their bestest friend ever, but they were people with feelings and emotions. I needed to treat them how I would like to be treated- with respect. She also told me she wanted me to be extra nice, because Troy had failed that mission. I wondered if she still thought that I needed to do that. Because polite was something I had not been as of late.

I squeezed my eyes shut, probably looking stupid. I didn't want Cameron to murder me though. I heard him step closer, and in seconds, his breath tickled my face. I uttered an inaudible squeak. Cameron Carter was known to be dangerous, and was about to skin me alive. It wasn't fair! He wasn't polite or kind or caring to anyone or anything, yet I was going to get killed because one time, one freakin' time, I wasn't nice. I had so many things I wanted to do, people I wanted to meet- I hadn't even had my first kiss! Life, fate, Cupid, Jesus, Mother Nature or someone in the skies had it in for me, I swore. 

"Do you believe everything you hear, Farrah Chambers?" Cameron's voice snapped me out of my daydream. My eyes blinked open, and I saw he was literally inches away from my face. My mind trailed into a vision of what the girls at school would say if they saw this...

Snap out of it Farrah. He's asking you a question. And calling you by your full name- that definitely can't be good.

"What's with calling me Farrah Chambers all the time?" I blurted out, my mouth not communicating with my brain properly. 

"Huh?" My question seemed to have caught him off guard. But not for long, because a scowl formed on his face. "I asked you a question first."

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