Chapter Two

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A couple days had passed, I decided to stay a bit longer. I didn't want to leave my dad alone with a baby, he struggled already mentally and I'm sure a crying baby didn't help him.

At the same time though, my dad grew a bit happier with the new baby around. It made me happy to see him that way, but still- I had to find my mom. I refused to leave her wherever she was, because I'm sure she was suffering. She'd come save me if I was in that situation, and I'm sure my dad wanted too, but there was no way he'd leave us.

It was nighttime, and it was quietly loud. My thoughts were racing because tonight is the night where I set out to find her. No one had ever been able to find the missing people or the rogues; so why would I?

The thought clouded my head, the thought of never seeing her again.

"I'll find you, I promise." I whispered under my breath and got up from my bed.

I bent down and grabbed my backpack, I knew I could hunt so I wasn't too worried about food. This was it, it was time to leave.

I gently put down the letter I wrote for my father on my bed. He'd have to understand, and I hope now that he had another baby, he won't kill himself or do anything stupid.

I tiptoed downstairs towards the alarm system, and turned it off. I sighed and opened the door, the cold air instantly hit my face. I shuddered and walked outside, hiking my backpack on my shoulders.

I turned back around one last time, and looked into the house. "I'll be back, Dad. I love you." I closed the door before shifting into my wolf. I knew I could run faster that way. I grabbed my backpack with my canines, and took off running towards the east. I had to make sure to miss patrol.

I planned my entire escape around patrol, they wouldn't be on the east till around 1:00am, I had about an hour to get to the border. Since they wouldn't be over there though, I had a fear that the rogues would. I had to push on though.

I sunk my hind legs into the dirt, running even faster. I've never done this, I've never felt so free with the air flowing through my fur. It felt so good, but it wasn't the time to bask in the freedom, I needed to go faster.

I had to be there before 1:00am, but it seemed like our pack land never ended and neither did the endless trees. I knew it had to be edging close to my time limit, but I could sense the pack link growing softer. I was almost out of the territory.

Fear stung my chest, it was scary to think that this could be my last time stepping foot on this land. I finally reached the edge of the territory, but there was no stopping now.

I had to go into human form from here on out, my wolf form is too easy to catch a scent of. I couldn't risk that.

I quickly shifted, grabbing my clothes and slipping them on. It was almost as if my feet wouldn't let me walk over. I was so scared.

I closed my eyes, and took a step forward. I instantly felt the link disappear, this was it. I'm coming mom. My glory moment was cut short, I heard footsteps coming from the territory and I quickly hid behind the tree.

I couldn't get caught, they'd take me back. Not only that, I'd be punished for running off. Whoever it was, stopped at the territory line. Now that they were closer to me, the scent hit me. It was the Alphas son.

He must've been doing border control alone, because I heard no one else. There was no way that he didn't smell my scent, I was too close.

"I know you're out there, so why don't you just save me the trouble and come out yourself." He said seeming annoyed.

I assumed it'd be worse to be forced back, but there was no way in hell I was going back without my mom.

I took off running, dodging the trees and jumping over the logs. Maybe if I was lucky, he'd trip on something and I'd be able to get away. I wasn't exactly the fastest runner.

My breathing grew heavy, I knew I was much weaker in my human form than my wolf form. I couldn't risk shifting though, they could track me down for miles. I was getting increasingly tired, and my sides started hurting. I had to keep going.

My foot caught a rock, causing me to lunge forward face first into the dirt. I screamed in pain, my ankle felt twisted. I took a sharp breath and stood up, trying to limp away as the Alphas sons footsteps grew closer. It snapped under me, and I fell back onto the ground.

There was no way I was getting away. I turned around the face him, getting ready to bet for him to take it easy on me. After all I already hurt my ankle.

I saw a figure pop out from the trees and walk closer to me.

"Alpha Conan." I bowed my head in respect.

"What do you think you're doing wondering off pack lands, Omega?" He sneered, getting closer to me.

"I'm trying to find my mom, Alpha. She disappeared and I know the Rogues took her. I'm getting her back and there's nothing you can do to stop me." I glared at him, getting ready to fight back. Even though I'd surely lose, I would never go back without my mom.

I saw his eyes soften but they instantly hardened again. "It's not safe to do that alone, and you know it."

"I'm aware, but it's not like you guys ever bothered looking for her. You gave up on her, but I never will." I didn't even notice it before, but I hated my pack for never looking for her.

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, he looked like he was contemplating something, but what?

"I'm coming with." He stated, smirking at me.

"The hell you are!" I snorted and laughed at him. "You can't leave the pack, you turn 18 soon. You have to take over as Alpha and find your mate."

His smirk fell, "I'm afraid my future mate may be with the rogues, mates are rare these days because the female Omegas keep disappearing. I want to find her, I need to find her."

I felt kind of bad, I never was really too worried about mates. Since it's rare to find your mate nowadays, most werewolves have went to making their own mates.

"How would you even know if you do find her, you can't tell till you turn 18." I said, trying to stand up again. I didn't like being looked down at.

"You're right, I wouldn't be able to tell, but packs have been searching for years," He hesitated, "I just have a feeling that the time we spend looking for them could be a long time. I'll be 18 in less than a month."

I nodded my head, reaching out my hand for him to help me up. He quickly grabbed it, pulling me to my feet.

"You know, for an Alpha you're not as annoying as I thought you'd be." I hit his shoulder lightly and he quickly snapped his head towards me, sending me a warning look. "Okay maybe you are."

He growled under his breath, and put his hand on his head. "This is going to be one long journey."

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