Chapter One

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I grabbed my small backpack and started throwing clothes in it. It was almost time for me to sneak away, I felt a tinge in my chest for my father. I'd be back soon though.

I sighed silently and sat down on my bed, closing my eyes. I've heard the stories since I was young, the ones where I was supposed to be afraid of the outside. I was terrified to go out of the house, I hardly ever left the safety of the lockable doors. I mean I really didn't want to disappear. My mother was one of the people in our pack who vanished without a trace.

She went outside to go talk with the Alpha about how she'd sense other wolves stalking around our house. She broke the one rule that was against everything, she went alone. She never made it there, and she never made it home. My father, was devastated over her disappearance.

The safety of the locked doors always felt like the only way to keep them out. My father, who became paranoid about losing me too, reinforced the house with silver. He'd never let me go anywhere alone, even hesitated to let me go even if there was others. It had became my life, isolation.

My mother was always there for me and to look out for me when I was a pup, and I had to find her. I was going to find her if it was the last thing I did.

There was a knock at my door and I sat up quickly, stuffing my bag under my bed just incase it was my dad.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door knob twisted, my dad came in my room and smiled softly at me. "Hey- Vivian," he paused and walked over to me, sitting in the edge of my bed, "I need you to listen."

I clenched my fists tightly, scared of what he was about to say. What if he knew of my plans?

I shook it off and looked up at him, gesturing him to go ahead. "There was a body discovered by the border,  brown curly hair. They called us to see if it was her."

My mouth instantly dried and I felt tears threatening to fall. Was it really her?

"At least we'd know." He reassuringly grabbed my leg and sighed, "and at least she wouldn't be with the rogues."

I nodded my head, anxiety filled my chest, they were bringing the body to us, and I just hoped it wasn't her.

My dad escorted me downstairs, and only the couch. We waited for what felt like hour for them to bring the body to us, and then the doorbell rang. My father and I looked at each other, preparing ourselves.

I got up from the couch and glanced at the picture frame of my mom, her brown bouncy curls and green eyes contrasted against the autumn leaves in the picture. I crossed my fingers and walked with my dad to the door.

He told me to get behind him just incase it wasn't the Alpha, and he opened the door. Alpha Kane stood there, looking hallowed by losing another pack member.

"Come with me." He said grimly.

He ushered us out the door and onto the grass where a girl laid on a sheet. The thick smell of death lingered in my nostrils and I had to force myself not to gag. I looked into the lifeless woman's face, it wasn't my mom. I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder down to her stomach, which was cut open.

Although it was gruesome, I sighed with relief, my father did as well. Her face looked familiar but and oddly enough looked like my moms but I knew it wasn't her.

"It's Justine, my wife's sister." My dad stated, and he looked away quickly. I knew why he was fast to make sure he didn't have to see her face anymore, she looked like mom, and he was afraid that was what happened to her too.

 I barely knew her, my mom and her didn't get along very well, but it still hurt to see family laying there lifeless. She must've been wondering on her own, she has issues so she must've not even been thinking when she went outside, I don't understand why they killed her instead of taking her and breeding her, it was weird and unlike the rogues.

Alpha Kane nodded at my father, "I see, did she have any more family that we may need to notify?"

"No, just us, her parents died a couple years back and as far as we know, she never had children." My father explained, shifting on his feet uncomfortably.

The Alpha looked at us, "Well, she had a baby with her sprawled across her chest, the umbilical cord was still attached. We assume it was cut out of her, we were hoping maybe you could look after this baby for the time being" He motioned for someone in the car to bring her out, and door slid open to reveal a small baby coddled up to Luna Mauve.

My eyes filled up with tears, this baby was so small, it was obviously a newborn, if anything it was a premature baby, taken out of the mother too soon. It soft cries racked over the silence of the outside, it was almost like it was looking for its mother, who it will never be able to meet.

I looked to my father, who was speechless while looking at the baby, I could see it in his eyes that it hurt him to see something so helpless.

The Luna brought the small baby over to him, "Kendrick, I'm so sorry for all your losses, but this baby needs someone, if not I'm afraid I do not know where it'll go, you need this baby and much as they need you."

My father started crying but he let his arms open for the small bundle of joy, "I'll take care of her, I won't let anyone touch her."

"The body has to go to the pack morgue, I'm sorry for your loss." Alpha Kane put his arm around his mate, and walked away back into the car. His warriors picked up my aunt, and they left.

I walked over to my father, resting my hands gently on his shoulder.

"She'll never know her mother." He sobbed and I rubbed his back.

"Well she'll know her father, and that's you." I smiled down at her, and put my hand under her, asking if I could hold her. He gently placed her into my arms. 

"I'll never let anyone touch my two baby girls, I promise you that, Vivian."

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