5 Questions

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Izuku's POV:

It's been already half a year that I have join the LOV and all I got so far is that they are kidnapping people but why?

Why go the extend of letting people vanish into nothing?

Why not go public with it?

Why so mysterious? Why lay low?

I know that they are doing experiments with them but what kind of experience?

All Shiggy ever said was that they are making the people stronger as strong, no, even stronger than All Might.

Is that even possible?

It's hard to believe...

Me: *Sigh*

It's hard being a vigilante and a villain.

I really need to be careful.

But there is one thing I can do now!

The LOV is making plans to attack All Might and thanks to the rumor that he is a teacher in UA they surely will go after them.

At this point, I can consider myself lucky that they added the wrong number or else I would have needed to break into the world's best guarded and most heavily protected building on earth UA.

Group Chat:

Mystery: @UAratGOD I will let you ask 5 questions as a reword if you are willing to listen to what I have to say.

AlienInsect: Why should we listen to what you have to say?

Mystery: What if it is for your own safety?

MOMo: We should let him speak.

Ghosty: He could be lying to us!

Mystery: I never lied to you until now!

FAKESonic: I am getting Aizawa-sensei! @Caterpillar.

TRUEPikaPika: Is that the imposter that you guys thought it was me?


Mystery: So you guys don't want to hear what I have to say?

UAratGOD is online

UAratGOD: Deal!

Caterpillar is online

Caterpillar: what is it, this time?

Mystery: I am sorry to wake your beauty sleep but there is good coffee on the window shelf!

Caterpillar: how did you know? are you watching me?

Mystery: No but I visited you and thought I should bring you some coffee because you definitely need it after this. Oh and Nezu you have some fine tea in front of UA.

UAratGOD: I saw it and I already had some robots bring it to me after making sure it wasn't something danegrous.

Mystery: I hope you guys will like it. Now to the important part. I very important information and I want to warn you all.

MaDnEsS: ReVeLrYiNtHeDaRk

Mystery: ... I don't need to understand that. Besides it would be more like a mad banquet in the dark.

Uravity: You wanted to warn us about what?

Mystery: There is a group off villain. They call them selves LOV.

Mystery number (not the typical chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now