[19] Allison Argent

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Book- Teen Wolf Gif Series
Word Count- 182

Allison when you had shown up out of the blue

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Allison when you had shown up out of the blue. You couldn't stay in Beacon Hills anymore with everything you have been through. So you left and left nothing behind. You didn't bother telling anyone cause they only would've convinced you to stay. You didn't even say bye to your girlfriend, Allison. When you moved to the U.K after a few months you were feeling homesick and missing your girlfriend, well technically your ex-girlfriend. You haven't talked to her ever since you left.

When your Uber pulled up in front of her house you were nervous but you did not go through a whole plane, 3 Ubers, and spend over 400 hundred dollars just to get cold feet.

You hesitated to knock on the door but before you could, you was met with the face of your old lover. "Can I come in." You asked. Allison swiftly moved out of the way and you walked in.

"What do you want?"  (gif above)


Let me know if you want a Part 2.

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