[piece of mind]

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Simone & Desiree walked up to the school gates wanting to travel back to Cape Town. Even though SAC College was full of drama and shady teachers they'd rather be in cape town. Simone sighed and held Desiree's hand as they walked into the gates of Notre Dame RC Secondary Mixed School. They handed in their papers at the reception and walked up to HU2 for History.

They walked in causing everyone to stare and talk.

"Oh! Class, please welcome cousins Simone and Desiree who just moved and traveled to London. Take the two seats in the back row."

Ms. George said making them squeeze past the tables to get there. They smiled at the teacher and got out their books.

Andre tapped Simone and asked for her social media.

"Andre, can you relax? You don't know her."

Maria said making Desiree chuckle as she got out her pencil. Ms. George smiled and wrote the title for the lesson; Queen Elizabeth.

Simone wrote it down and stared at Andre when he wasn't looking. Desiree shook her head when she realised she forgot her pencil case at home. She sighed and asked the boy in front of her for a pen. Xion turned a gave her one to keep.

"You fucking flirt!!"

Keith yelled from the front row causing Xion to flip his middle finger at him.

Ms. George smiled at told them to settle down.


"That wasn't so bad. I saw you staring at Andre though"

"Simone, should I start on how staring at Xion? Everytime he got up to sharpen his pencils you were staring at him as if he was a piece of meat!!"

Desiree laughed and rolled her. They saw their bus- the 12- arrived and they ran to catch it. Xion ran after Desiree but the bus already drove off.

Andre laughed at he ate his food. "It's alright, yeah?", Andre said making Xion mug him. Adonis and Keith just laughed. Xion sighed and the bus times on his phones. Teja and Solana walked past and waved goodbye to Andre. Their bus-the 363- and they got on and went to the upper deck.

"We saw the way you looked at Desiree as if she was a buffet"

Adonis said bluntly. "He was staring her down man!!", Keith said in agreement making Adonis and Andre laugh. Xion stared in disbelief.

"Hol' up, Andre was begging for Simone's social media and phone like a wretched pauper but it's me that's still topic of discussion?", Xion said in response. Adonis laughed loudly and fist bumped Xion.

"Imma use that in my debate mate sessions"

He said making Andre mug him whilst Keith laughed.

"I know you fucking didn't go there. Wretched pauper!!??"

This made Adonis and Keith laugh even more.

"That shit wasn't that funny"

"Yes it fucking was"

Adonis said in between laughter and tears.

"Xion, I ain't sitting next to you on our bus tomorrow"

"Okay then"

Xion said bluntly making him give a 'really' face. Xion joined in with the laughter as the bus ride continued to their homes. 


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