Chapter One

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Chapter 1

Once upon a time, I was just a farmer's daughter.

That was before the new King was appointed, before he decided he needed "servants" to serve him. They were treated more like slaves.

Ever since that one night when the King sent guards to rip me away from my family, letting me bring only my necklace to remind me of them, my life has been as close as you could get to a living hell. I, along with nearly fifty other teenagers my age, were forced to work non-stop everyday, doing everything the King and his family told us too. He and his daughter were the worst, while we almost never saw the Prince, who was next in line to the throne. Although unspoken, we all silently hoped he would be better than his father.

So here I am now, gazing around the kitchens as many other servants scurried around, preparing food for the royal family. It was like this most nights around here, but by now we've all kind of grown used to the terrible treatment and unhealthy living conditions.


I jumped up as I heard a high, melicodic whisper my name behind me. I turned to see another servent by the name of Anna standing there, a huge bowl of potatoes rested in her arms.

"Um, yeah?" I asked, giving her a strange look.

She looked around the room. "You should probably find something to do. You wouldn't want Mistress Marleen or one of the cooks to find you goofing off."

I raised my eyebrows. "Excuse me?" I asked her, glaring. "But I am not goofing off. I'm simply trying to find something to do."

"Girls, girls." A rough, feminine voice scolded from behind.

I turned to face Marleen, Anna rolling her eyes at me and muttering an 'I told you so' under her breath as she walked towards the sink. I sighed and looked at Mistress Marleen, as we were forced to call her. She did not look happy.

"You should probably listen to your friend," She told me, giving me a look. She wasn't much older than the other servents and I, at the age of twenty-five, but always acted as if she was better than the castle work staff she managed.

I looked her up and down, before giving her a look. "Um, you should probably not try to tell me what to do."

Marleen scoffed, giving me a glare. "Whatever," She told me, grabbing a huge platter of ham and shoving it in my hands. "Go put this on the dining table." She ordered, opening one of the double doors to the royal dining room.

Before I could object, she shoved me out through the door, shutting it quickly behind me.

I glared at the dark wood as it shut, dearly wishing that woman would leave. And soon. I was getting tired of her.

Before I turned to the room, I plastered a fake smile on, getting ready to face the three people that had ruined my life. Then, with a small sigh, I turned to see the family all sitting , looks of boredom on their faces. The King was discussing something with the Princess, while the Prince sat in his chair away from them, lazily pushing his food around his plate.

As I started walking towards them, carefully balancing the plate in my hands, the King and his daughter looked up, expressions on hatred on their faces.

"Well, it's about time." The Princess told me, her high voice hurting my ears. I ignored her, knowing that it was better than replying. I had learned that lesson when I had first arrived here, and never wanted to again.

I walked over to the table, carefully pushing some meat from the platter onto the King and the Princess' plates sitting in front of them. As I turned away, now heading for the Prince who sat all the way down at the other end of the table, the pair went back to talking, ignoring me once again. I wanted to hear what they were saying, but again, I had already learned that lesson.

My long red hair fell into my face as I put some ham onto his plate. Just as I was about to leave for the kitchen, the Prince gently grabbed onto my wrist. I turned to him, giving him a look, but he simply smiled, letting go of me.

"Thanks," He whispered softly so his sister and father didn't hear him, and turned back to his plate.

I only nodded before quickly walking away, my cheek flaming bright red as I almost tripped on the hem of my dirty dress.

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