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"Okay, Fuck, Marry, Kill: Instructor Shadis, Captain Levi, and a titan. Go!"

"Y/n, we are on a literal expedition right now! This is not the time-"

Jean cuts Reiner off a hearty laugh, looking back at us from his place atop a small boulder. "Easy! Fuck the captain, marry Shadis, and kill the titan." We all look at Jean with a surprised look at his answer, which he only shrugs to in reply.

"Okay... anyways! Armin, your turn," I say to the blondie as I wrapped a bandage across his bleeding head. He continued to stare at the ground with wide eyes as we were all still in the grass out in titan country where we could possibly die at any given moment.

"How can you even joke right now?!" Reiner asked, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"I dunno, I'm just-"

"She's a fucking suicidal maniac like Yeager, that's what she is," Jean says. I lift my boot up and kick him in the thigh, making him wince in pain a second later.

"Don't interrupt me, bitch," I say, looking up at him with my nose pointed up in the air. I look back towards Reiner with a smirk. "I'm just confident that we'll all make it out alive today. Being an absolute god at killing titan also helps," I say with a swaggering wink. "So no need to be scared shitless for no reason."

"Yeah, I guess-"

"I'm sorry, but is no one going to talk about how we literally almost died from that female titan!" Armin yelled loudly, cutting Reiner off.

"Oh, yeah, that..." I mumble out.

Jean looks at me with a shocked look, speaking to the others. "Look at her! She's not even phased!"

"Shut up, Jean! I'm just mad I didn't get to take it down," I whined out with a frown. "And it was such a hot titan too, way hotter than Eren's."

I see Reiner nod from beside me. "It did have a nice ass for an abnormal, you gotta admit."

Everyone nods in agreement silently.

I tie off Armin's bandage and look towards Jean with a smirk. "Jean, how does everything look from all the way up there?" I ask with a chuckle, nodding towards the tiny rock he stood on, letting him stand maybe an inch taller than Reiner at most.

He looks down at me with a sneer as Armin lets out a snort. "Shut up," he grumbles out with a scowl and goes back to whistling for his horse and looking for anyone who came for our distress signal flare.

I lean back on my hands and scoot myself to sit next to Armin. "Does anyone have any food?" I call out.

"Really, Y/n?" Armin said with a look.

"I'll take that as a no," I mumble with a frown. I lay on my back, taking in a deep sigh, staring up at the clouds that passed slowing from up above. I raise my hand towards them; as if I could reach them from all the way down here.

I hear shuffling before someone settles down next to me. I turn my head to see Jean there with a blank face, but his hand reaches out for mine by my side. I smile dorkily at our now interlocked hands as neither one of us says anything.

I hear then see Armin get up from next to us to go with Reiner on lookout.

"You're not hurt at all, are you?" Jean whispered out. I shake my head no as my eyes meet his light brown ones.

"No, you?" I ask back. He shakes his head. I sit up now, brushing my shoulder against his, bumping it slightly when I speak again. "You holding up alright?"

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