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I swerved out of the way from Mikasa's fast punches, slipping in on my own when there was an opening. I tch in annoyance when she dodged my jabs.

As we take turns going on offense and defense, I study her movements again. She wasn't big and tall like Jean and Reiner, she was thin, tiny, and fast- just like Levi. My mind goes back to how I always sparred with the shorty and I focus on how Mikasa's fighting technique was nearly identical to his.

I let Mikasa back me up to the edge of the circle, my back nearly hitting Sasha and Connie who were screaming in encouragement while wagging their fists in the air. Jean was yelling too, but his screams weren't as uplifting as the rest.

"Don't lose! Don't lose! Don't lose!"

"Knock her out, already!"

"My grandmother could punch better than you and she's dead!"

I roll my eyes at his yells and bite back the urge to yell at him.

Mikasa attacked me once again, knowing she could win it right here with me cornered in, but instead of matching her pace, I slowed down my body's movements. In order to win against someone like her, I'd have to take the time to watch her movements, waiting for that opening to strike.

As one of her punches came close to my face, I let it hit me once in the nose, making a chorus of "Oohs" echo in the yard. Mikasa takes advantage of this and hits me again in the ribs, and again, I let her land the blow on me.

"Y/n, what the hell are you doing?!" Jean yelled out probably confused on why I wasn't fighting back as hard as I could've. I don't answer as I just block Mikasa's swift hits.

My nose was bleeding, making the crimson substance trickle from my nose. Mikasa's own face was sporting a brusing cheek and split lip.

She's just about to land another punch on my face but I catch it in mid-air. Her face morphs into shock when I twist her arm and land my own punch onto her unfairly pretty face. I mentally apologize to her in my mind when I go full out now.

I let out little sounds of grunts as I punch and kick and grab at Mikasa's body, not holding back at all now. The black-haired girl's eyes widened as she realized I wasn't even trying my best the time.

Everyone in the yard was screaming now, their hands cupped around their mouths and gripped at each other in excitement and anticipation.

I take advantage of Mikasa's surprise and land a clean hit to her ribs, and after she lets out a small grunt of pain I charge at her, my arms launching onto her shoulders as I swing my legs around her, making us fall to the ground. Her face and chest hit the dirt ground with me laying on top of her in a sitting position. My hands are already grabbing onto her left leg and right arm before she could even realize what was happening.

Her free hand tries to grab at me but it's no use from my place atop her body. I wait five seconds until I hear the shrill whistle from Shadis and hurriedly get off Mikasa, immediately helping her up.

"I didn't hit you too hard, did I?" Mikasa asked once she was steady on her feet, her eyes scanning my slightly bloodied face. I smile at her concern and shake my head.

"Nah, you're good." She nods and walks off as Shadis comes by my side. He peered down at me, his eyes wide and beady like always as they stared at me with a hint of usual annoyance in his gaze.

"Cadet Y/n," he says.

"Shadis," I reply back in the same neutral tone.

"You didn't suck today." Leaving it at that Shadis made his way back over towards the regiment soldiers.

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