Ratched heart

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We sit in a large room with floor to ceiling windows that look out to a water fall ad jungle like background.

I exhale loudly the air form my nose flutters against my lip. I grip the edge of my grey cozy seat my lips parting a small white wooded table sits before be between Cesar and I the empty chair beside me waiting to be filled.

My shies tap against the thin carpet I see the top of the waterfall since this is the last floor. Of the couples therapy. Although technically Dante and I aren't exes we just have a 2 year old daughter together and we can barely talk to each other without arguing.

The clock ticks filling up the silence. "Did you want something to drink?" He offers me. I lower my eyes to him "Apple juice. Please." I state he nods opening his mini refrigerator.

Handing me an apple juice I take it thanking him my body in a tight back romper that stops at the top of my thighs it's really short I'm in black boots that also reach my thigh they hug my body tightly. I glance at my gold watch covers diamonds "leave it to Dante to be late for a meeting he had to reschedule for his convenience." I mutter we been sitting here for ten minutes waiting for him.

I haven't seen him since thanksgiving last year. We did celebrate Christmas together only thanksgiving and Alessa's birthday we send each other gifts for each others birthday and that's about it. But he's moved a lot closer I'll be seeing him a lot more.


The elevator door opens

Final-fucking-ly "Took you long enough." I mutter not too provoke him he's just late. "I was busy." He defends coldly. I hum.

"Well your here now better late then never." Cesar chirps he's friends with Dante's brother Devon.

Their both doctors for different things. He knows all about me begin an assassin and Dante begin a mafia boss although I'm an ex-assassin I haven't told Dante that because well it's none of his business also he will think it had something to with what he said in our last argument. And I hardly think it's the time to fuel his ego.

He kisses the side of my head no matter how mad we are at each other we always kisses my head.

"Can I get you anything?" Cesar asks Dante as he sits down he shakes his head no. I sip on my apple juice happily.

I mindlessly play with the ring on my finger twisting it with my thumb as it sits on my ring finger. We only see each for a few moments when I drop off Alessa or he visits her. We're always civil when she's around.

I take a a gulp of my apple juice

"So how's your sex life?"

I spit of my apple juice my eyes widened i start choking tears build up in my eyes as my cough gets worse Dante hands me a hanger chief I take it holding it over my mouth Cesar gives me water I drink it wiping my mouth

Right to the good stuff.

"I'm so sorry about your table I can clean it up" I mutter at least I didn't spit on myself I should've aimed for Dante.

"No don't worry about it. I can call in Jerry in a moment. " Cesar says my lips part I nod feeling bad someone has to clean up apple juice and my spit.

I sip water before taking another shot of my apple juice.

Swallowing completely "we're not married so our sex life with each other is nonexistent." Dante chimes in as if we're talking about what's the weather like.

As much as would love to flaunt my nonexistent love life and have it seem like I'm getting laid every night Alessa calls him every night mommy comes up in a conversation and he knows I'm home. Also I would never bring guys over while Alessa is home. And the last person I slept with was Dante.

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