Six - Cupid's Arrows Kill Vulcans, Pt. 1

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"The ship is 1000 kilometers away and closing, Captain. They'll be ready to beam up in a few seconds," Chekov said, pressing a few buttons on his console. Captain Kirk and his navigational crew were in the bridge, like usual. They were waiting for a Federation drop ship to give them supplies and, much more importantly, their new choice for head of security on the USS Enterprise. After a tragic accident, their last chief of security was sent home on forced retirement. A new head officer was assigned by the federation almost immediately, and a rendezvous was set to receive them.

"We're being hailed by the ship, Captain. Putting them on screen." A kind looking woman was shown in the standard gold Captain's uniform. She nodded at James and said,

"Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise, this is captain Deanna Ferro of The Voyager. Are you ready to receive transport?"

"Anytime, Captain Ferro."

"Transport will commence in three minutes. Ferro out." The screen went black. James nodded to Spock and they left the bridge. They made their way down to the transporter room, where Scotty and Dr. McCoy were already waiting.

"Ready and waiting to receive, Captain," Scotty said from behind the controls." Kirk nodded and stood in front of the machine. Three minutes on the dot passed. "Receiving, sir." Several boxes appeared, along with a short woman in a blue uniform. A small smile spread on James's face.

"Lieutenant-commander Marianna Santos, it's a pleasure to see you again," he said. "This is my first officer, lieutenant-commander Spock, our chief engineer, Mr. Scott, and our head of medicine, Dr. McCoy. Welcome aboard."

"Thank you captain," she stepped out of the transporter. "I must admit, when I saw your name on my station draft, I was quite surprised. You're one of the last people I would've ever expected to make captain." McCoy laughed out loud, and Spock raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, I was quite surprised as well, Mari, when I learned that you had managed to graduate from the academy." Marianna laughed and shook his hand.

"It's good to see you again, Jim. I'm glad to be working with you." Marianna clapped a hand on Jim's shoulder. "Really though, congratulations on becoming captain. I'm sure your mother would be proud."

"Thank you, Mari. I'm glad to have you aboard," Jim said. "Mr. Spock will show you around and explain your duties. You'll report for duty in two days at 0800 hours." 

"Yes, sir." She squared up her shoulders and turned to Spock. "It's an honour to meet you, Lieutenant-Commander Spock. I've read several of your works. They're quite fascinating."

Spock raised his eyebrows. "Almost none of my works have been translated out of the Vulcan language, and it's impossible for you to have learned to speak Vulcan, your physiological aspects make sure of that." 

"Impossible for me to speak, sir, but not to read. I have a PhD in linguistics, and I can read several languages that I cannot speak." Spock started walking and Mari followed. They looked quite funny walking next to each other. Spock, a Vulcan, was tall compared to almost all humans, and Mari was short by all human standards. He towered more than a foot above her, and she had to walk faster to keep up with him.

"That is quite logical, I suppose that means you are able to write in Vulcan as well?"

"Yes, and I can also understand oral conversations, despite being unable to participate. I'm a little insulted that I couldn't get a job in any linguistics departments, and instead I have to work security." Spock regarded her thoughtfully. He didn't understand why she would be insulted by such a trivial thing when she had excelled in her career anyways.

Spock showed Mari around, and filled her in on important things to know about the ship and crew. He showed her the dormitories, the cafeteria, and the bridge. Captain Kirk was back in his usual seat when they stepped out the the elevator. He was making his daily captain's log before he left for bed. Mari looked around at all the controls with curious fascination. She seemed particularly drawn to the phaser controls. 

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