One - Ears

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T'Pana stared up at the school from behind her glasses. It was her first day at her new middle school, and she was nervous. Her mother had been promoted to a position on a different planet, and T'Pana had been brought with her, leaving her father back on earth with her brother. It didn't help that it was halfway through the year, and her last year before high school.

After a few more seconds of staring, she exhaled deeply and walked in. It was only 7:30, and school didn't start until 9:00, but the principal had asked that she come early to meet her teachers and receive her subject packs. Her eyes widened as she looked around. This school was huge compared to her last one. Shaking her head, she walked into the office and held up her identification papers.

"I'm T'Pana-May Greene. I'm a newly registered student and I was told to come here to receive my schedule." After being given her schedule and her welcome package, the vice principal came to bring her to her classes so she could meet her teachers.

"Your first class is Vulcan History, with Mr. Spock. I think you'll find it quite interesting. He is an amazing teacher. You also have Mr. Spock for chemistry, your last class of the day."

They made their way down the hall, and the principal opened the door to show a small, undecorated classroom with neat rows of lab benches in front of a teaching screen. T'pana's eyebrows raised as she saw the man sitting behind the teacher's desk. He was a Vulcan, and had his ears on display. Absently, she made sure her hair was hiding her own ears.

"Hello," Mr. Spock said. "You must be T'Pana. I am Spock."

"It's nice to meet you," she muttered, still staring at his ears. Despite her mother being Vulcan, T'Pana had never met any Vulcan's outside of the people in her family. After a few seconds she shifted her eyes to meet his. "I apologize, I didn't mean to stare. It's simply that I've never met another Vulcan aside from my mother and brother."

"I was unaware that you are Vulcan. Why do you hide your ears?"

"It's not purposeful. I simply like wearing my hair like this." T'Pana's skin crawled at the lie, but she forced herself not to think of it.

Mr. Spock nodded and looked back at his computer. "I should get back to my work. Your unit package is on the table near the door. I will see you in an hour for class."

"Goodbye," she said and left with the principal.

     T'Pana went through her day as usual, getting adjusted to the size of the school and her classes. She made her way to her chemistry class, her bag heavy on her shoulder, filled with five classes worth of paper. When she made it to her class, she set it down next to her seat. The late bell rang and everyone settled down, looking up at Mr. Spock.

    "Students, as you know, we are having a lab today. Anyone with long hair, tie it back. Everyone put on safety glasses."

    T'Pana's eyes widened and she cursed mentally. The last thing she wanted to do was tie her hair back. With a scowl she grabbed a hair elastic from her bag and hesitantly pulled it back. A few gasps and whispers came up from behind her, and her cheeks flushed.

"I can't believe they let freaks like her be students. It's bad enough our teacher is one." T'Pana turned to glare at the girl behind her before looking back at Mr. Spock.

The class was put into partners for the lab, and T'Pana was put with a girl named Haley. "I can do the lab by myself. Just make sure you record the results," she said, beginning to pull out equipment.

"I would like to help," T'Pana said.

"I don't think so, freakazoid. You might infect it with your Vulcan germs." T'Pana's cheeks burned bright green with embarrassment. She raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss Greene?"

"May I be excused?"

"You may." Mr. Spock watched as she left, a single eyebrow raised. T'Pana rushed to the girls bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. She pulled out her hair elastic and let her hair fall to cover her ears. After a few more seconds of staring at herself, she moved and sat down in one of the stalls, waiting for fifth period to end.

The bell rang, sounding the end of fifth period. T'Pana's eyes shot open and she sat up, rubbing them. She glanced around and realised she must've fallen asleep waiting for the day to end. She made her way out of the bathroom and back to chemistry to pick up her bag. By the time she got there, the class had already cleared out, leaving just her and Mr. Spock.

"T'Pana, are you aware that I will have to mark you absent considering you were only present for ten minutes of class?" he asked without looking up from his work.

"Yes sir," she replied quietly. Swinging her bag onto her shoulder.

"T'Pana, I believe you were lying when you said you had no reason to hide your ears." Mr. Spock raised his eyes and levelled them with hers. "Am I correct in that assumption?"

T'Pana's shoulders slumped and she crossed her arms. "I apologize for lying."

"I grew up on Vulcan, and I was teased for being half human. I believe you've had the opposite experience. I would like to offer my condolences." T'Pana nodded, her eyes on the floor. "I recommend that you no longer hide your ears. If your peers are aware that you are ashamed of them, they will use them as an opportunity to harass you. If you wear them proudly, they can have no power over you." T'Pana looked up at Mr. Spock, her eyebrows raising.

"Also," Spock continued. "Your partner, Hayley, is failing nearly every class she's taking. I find it hard to believe anything she could say would be a proper insult." A grin spread on T'Pana's face.

"Thank you, Mr. Spock."

"Live long and prosper, T'Pana."

"Peace and long life," she replied, tying her hair up as she left the classroom.

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