1.4 - Fingerprints

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Jacob waited for Bella to turn up that morning alone, because he knew that there was something that he had to do before Tessa joined them. She was going to join them later but before she did, he knew that he needed to do this first. Though there was part of him that worried that she would be upset with him, but that didn't change anything for him. When he heard Bella's truck clanking as it pulled into his yard he slowly moved to stand at the garage door waiting for her. The first thing that she did as she parked was look for Tessa's bike and Bella couldn't help but be glad when she didn't see it. In relief she immediately looked for Jacob, and when she spotted him she gave him a quick wave. He smiled back in response, though she noticed it was a small half-hearted smile and felt disappointedly. That was all he could manage. Jacob waited for her to join him in the garage, though he stayed sat on the hood of the Rabbit as Bella made her way inside – dumping her bag and coat as she did.

"Hey, Jake... no Tessa today?"

"She'll be round later," Jacob made sure to watch Bella's reaction and immediately noticed that she looked almost disappointed at the news. This was not something he had noticed before but he knew that it wasn't the first time that she had shown that – or else Tessa wouldn't have mentioned that she didn't think Bella didn't like her. in fact, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. "You like Tess right? You don't mind her being around, right?"

"Why wouldn't I like Tessa right?"

"You didn't exactly answer the question."

"Of course I like her. It's just..." Bella answered after an awkward moment, Jacob had almost smiled until she hesitated. When she did, the smile started to fall off his face. "I'm not great at making friends."

"Trust me – Tess, she's one of the good guys. She really is."

"You really like her, huh?"

"Of course I do – she's my best friend. Always had been, probably always will be." Bella just listened as Jacob shocked off her question, not sure if Jacob really didn't have feelings for Tessa. Or if he was just in denial. As she looked up at him, Jacob shock it off. Deciding that he just didn't want to keep thinking about this – after all Tessa was his best friend. "Right then, let's get started."

had started to make her way towards Jacob's place. Leah had offered her a lift to the Black's home, an offer that she usually didn't make, but she had chosen not to take it. After all it was such a beautiful day, so why not enjoy it's beauty. Plus she wanted to check in on Embry, so she decided on the little detour. He had been acting a little strange recently, in fact that was why she had decided to check in on him. Jared had acted similarly, not too long ago. Before everything changed between them. And that was what scared Tessa.

"Embry! Hey..." Tessa ran when she saw Embry standing outside in his garden. He seemed different, and that concerned her. He was almost trembling. When he saw her, he almost panicked because he really did not feel like he was in control. In fact he was concerned what he might do if she got to close. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be okay?"

"No reason, you just don't look okay,"

"Well I am, okay?" He snapped at her and she was almost taken aback. He had snapped at her before, but never like this. She could see almost a pure anger in his eye and felt almost scared. Embry saw that and tried to calm down, though she wasn't sure why he was so angry. "I'm sorry."

"It's all right... you know I'm just trying to look out for you right."

"I know, I know." Embry then looked over her shoulder and she turned to follow his gaze. That was when she saw Sam, Jared and Paul. They were not looking at her, they were looking directly at Embry – as though they were trying to make a judgement. Embry started to tremble in anger once again.

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