How We Were

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Ten Years Earlier

'Hi guys' Hope smiled awkwardly at the twins in front of her.

'Hi! My names Lizzie, this is Josie. We're twins, fraternal of course.' Lizzie grinned back. Somehow, just that simple grin made Hope feel safe, like she was home.

'She'll be ok here, right? And you'll call me if anything happens? Like anything. And do you not have booster seats on the bus? What kind of school is this? Klaus said...' Hayley murmured worriedly, hand resting protectively on Hope's shoulder.

'Hayley. Relax. We've got her, she's safe at the Salvatore School. We take care of our own, don't we, twins?'

'Yes dad!' The girls chirped.

'Come with us Hope, we'll give you the tour.' Lizzie held out her hand expectantly.

Hope turned to her mom for approval, finally earning release from Hayley's grip on her shoulder.

Six Years Earlier

'Hey Hope!' A soft voice came from the door. 'It's Jo, can you let me in?' The brunette mumbled an opening spell, swinging the door wide open for Josie to come in.

'I need to talk to you about something.' Josie said timidly.

'Go ahead Jo.' Hope sat up, recognising her tone very well.

'I... I think i have a crush on you. And it's completely fine if you don't feel the same way, I just thought i should...' Josie trailed off, knowing exactly what Hope was going to say from the look on her face.

'Jo... I like you. A lot. But just... I don't think i like you like that. I mean... i'm not sure if maybe at some point i would. Like you, I mean. But right now... i think i have a crush on someone else.' Hope said, glistening tears shining in her eyes.

'It's ok, really. It's just a silly crush, don't worry about it. But now i wanna know who your person is-' Josie wiped away her trailing tears, putting on an excited face.

'I- I don't think i should say.' Hope hesitated.

'C'mon! I won't tell!'

'Ok, fine. Her name is.... I cant do this.' Hope sighed.

'Oh, so it's a her?' Josie arched an eyebrow, having only seen the young witch with men.

'Yes... and she's kind and funny and beautiful... and i think i might be in love.' Hope's eyes glazed over, seeing her image.

'Hope, this is huge! You have to tell her!' Josie beamed.

'I cant... I just cant Jo.'

'C'mon, this isn't the Hope Mikaelson that i know and apparently love. You're stronger than this!' Josie reassured her.

'You know what, i'm going to do it. What's the worst that can happen? She rejects me? Big deal.' Hope knew it was a big deal. She knew that, but she still found herself making her way to tell her everything. She stopped herself right at her door.

'What am i doing.' She murmured to herself. And so, Hope found herself lying back down in bed with a tub of ice cream and some Teen wolf. Again. Instead of making out with a girlfriend, she was watching reruns of Teen Wolf.

2 Years Earlier

'Lizzie!' Hope screamed, fear contorting her face.

'Hope, you have to leave. He could come back any minute, it isn't safe. You have to let me go.'

'No, no, i'm not doing that. I am not going to let you die, Lizzie Saltzman, you hear me? As long as i'm alive, you will be too.' Hope's tears blended with the rain, running down her face like an Olympic Track.

'You know you have to. It's ok.' Lizzie lay her now- matted blonde locks onto the muddied ground, a halo of blotched gold. A look of peace came over her, like that peace they show in the movies.

'No. I refuse to lose you too.' Hope said, determined to save the siphon. Using the last dregs of her fast depleting energy, Lizzie's stab wound started to heal. Slowly, skin covered the reddened infection. Her eyes fluttered open, right as Hope collapsed.

Lizzie knew what she had to do. She didn't quite know how, but somehow. It had to work. And so, Lizzie carried Hope all the way to the portal. Through the storm, Lizzie never let her go. Not once.

AN: sorry for the delay in chapters and how short this one is, i have exams rn so

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