Bruised, bloodied and battered.

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“The murmur of death, a dark shadow overcast,

Ringing long and eternal as life slips slowly past,

It breeds the unthinkable and touts the unknown,

It begins at the end, on a whisper, a moan.” – M. Leighton, Blood like poison: for Love of a Vampire.





Blinding light entered the cell.

The door slammed.

I didn't move. 

At last.

A voice.

"Don't feel like talkin'?"

I didn't answer.

The footsteps moved closer.

I flinched fearing the blow before it came.

Steeling myself for when it came.

It landed on my side.

I coughed out blood and struggled for breath. 

"What do you want?" I managed at last.

"Ah, but you already know." 

I shook my head, denying his words.

"I don't." I croaked.

"I want your life."

Bruised, bloodied and battered.Where stories live. Discover now