Chapter 8

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Imani's hair:

Imani's hair:

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Imani POV:

It's now Friday day and me,Bella,Angela,Jessica and Lauren are all in the 6th store today trying to find a prom dress for Jessica,Angela,and Lauren.

Bella has been some what out of it,because she keeps on looking at a note she has.While Angela,Jessica,and Lauren were finding a dress a group of older men walked passed the window and cat called us.Angela and Jessica look uncomfortable.while Bella and Lauren like it.

While the other girls are  trying on dresses,Bella ask me,"hey can you come go the book store with me?" ,and I say "why didn't you When it was light out!?!" Bella rolled her eyes,"fine,I'll just go by myself" she says,I really want to care,but if I don't dad will be mad at me for not going with her.So I swallow my pride and walk out with her.

Bella and I made it to the book store and i think she found the book that she wanted,but there's one problem she left me at the book store.(what in the entire fuck is wrong with this trick?!?!).

I try to find my way back by memory,but it's useless. That's when I realize the group of men(5 men)that cat called us is surrounding me.I remember that I took online self defense classes(just Incase).I first kicked one in the balls,I punched the other one,but it only fueled them to try harder to attack me.

Then all of a sudden I see a familiar silver Velvo  screeching to a hard stop.

Edward POV:

It was a regular Friday night(with me thinking about Imani) as always when I get hit with one of Alice's visions.
(VISION:Bella bribing a group of 5 men to cat call Angela,Jessica,Lauren,her ,and Imani. Then When Bella convinces Imani to go to the library with her and leaves her to get lost,while she goes back with Angela,Jessica,and Lauren to get something to eat.The five men then beat and r*pe Imani in a dark ally.)

I have never reacted so fast in my life to someone,the near thought of my mate being touched by someone else even wore violated make the venom in my vains boil.

I was just on time before they could do something to her.I didn't even need to ask her to get in the car.I was starring at the group of 'men' with black and disgusting eyes.Before I could react Imani called my name to make sure I was alright.I then got back in the car and speed off.

"Please Imani,I beg of you to talk to me so I don't go back their and rip their heads off." I say,"Are you okay,wtf just happened back there?" She asked."They we're going to r*ape and beat you too death,and enjoy it,because some one told them too." I say,"Now who the entire fuck would want-BELLA"she screams,"but wait how did you know where I was?"

Imani POV:

Before Edward could say anything we were at a Italian restaurant.I see Jessica,Angela,Lauren,and...Bella(I should really beat this bitches as for trying to kill me TWICE).When Bella realizes that I'm alive AND with Edward she turns hot like a mf tomato.

Angela and Jessica run to me and give me a hug since they were worried about me,and tried to call but my phone wasn't working.The girls left me and Edward alone,but not before Bella looking at me with killer eyes as she walked away.

Edward sits me down to eat at this Italian place.I order the Spaghetti with meatballs and Edward ordered a water(I somehow never noticed before of how the Cullens and Hales don't eat).

Me and Edward talk about the more in-depth information about our selves like why and how he was adopted(his mom and dad both does form an unknown illness),the treatment I get from Bella and Renee(which was really refreshing to get off my chest and tell to some one besides my dad),and my suspension about his family(like why don't eat,why is he so fast,and how the fuck can they hear conversations from a mile away.He never game me a straight answer just clues).

Then my food came,while I was eating Edward asked to see if he could talk to me on Sunday in the woods about something important,I agreed(since I trust him).

After my dinner was over he paid for the bill and drove me home,but not without giving me a kiss on the cheek(it was sure small but if felt like at house fireworks were going off).

When I got out of his car and got in my house and into my room,Bella was in my room invading my room."What the fuck are you doing in my room Bella?" I yelled ,"What did you do with Edward or did you forget that he is mine."When she said that I slapped her so hard
it rang through out my room,and I grabbed her shoulders and set holding her up against the wall.

"Now you listen here and listen good you little bitch.I do not know what's your problem and I don't care to know,but there's one thing I do know is to not fuck with what's MINE.I will not hesitate to tell Charlie and everyone in this whole damn town how the hell you tried to kill me TWICE,and if you do it again don't think won't drag you ass on the damn concrete.DO.YOU.UNDERSTAND",she says a very shaken yes.I than drag Bella by her hair and lead her out of my room with a door slam.

After kicking Bella out of my room I hear a ring of my phone and it's Edward.I pick it up since I need a distraction from going back and literally beating Bella's ass.We talk for about 2 hours before I realize I need to get read for bed,we said our good nights.

I took a shower,brushed my teeth,put my bonnet and nightgown on,lotion my skin;unknown that Bella is still plotting to kill me and to have Edward to herself,and unknown to her I won't hesitate to kill her if she tries to again.

My nightgown:

My nightgown:

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