Chapter 1

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Imani POV:

I have never thought of how I would leave this earth ,but some days I do.Like today since Bella won't stop giving me looks like I am a fucking disease.

Excuse my manners my name is Imani Jones Swan, I'm 17 years old.And I absolutely adore singing.

I am moving to forks to live with my step dad Charlie. I always wanted to get out of Arizona since it was way too hot for me.Bella is coming too ,which I might add she never wanted to.But Renee insistsed she does go claiming it will "bring us closer",which is complete utter bullshit.She knows how much Bella hates me and wants to ruin my life ,and she allows it. Renee sometimes joins her too.

I have only ever been close to my dad Charlie. He adopted me when he was on a case for the murder of my parents and decided to adopt me, but this is where shit hits the fan.Renee has never liked me since I was black and she felt like Charlie favored me over her and Bella. So to spite Charlie she took me and Bella, both 1 year olds, and left forks.

Bella blames me for her parents split but truthfully it was her mom being an awful person. But by the grace of god,my dad contacted me when I was 15 and we have been speaking ever since. I would have preferred to visit him but Renee would not let me since Bella didn't want to anymore. I have told him about the abuse that Renee and Bella have given me, but there is little he can do since we are states apart.

Fast forward to now, I am packing all of my clothes,hair products,accessories etc. to go finally go see my dad. I am wearing a comfy outfit since I will be on a plane for 3 hours.

Imani's airport outfit:

 All of a sudden Bella comes busting through my door like the kool-aid man

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All of a sudden Bella comes busting through my door like the kool-aid man.

"Hurry the fuck up I don't want to be late" Bella said but I tried telling her that we won't leave for another hour.

1 hour later:
I am finally done packing and in the car with my seat belt on waiting for bella to stop her dramatic dialogue with herself. She finally gets in the car after 10 whole minutes, which now has made us officially late.

3 hours later:
We finally land in forks with dad waiting for us by the cruiser. Bella hates the police car ,but I like it. Dad greets me by giving me a huge hug and a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey mani, I have missed you so much" he says smiling

"Me too dad" I say with a smile

All of a sudden Bella breaks up our reunion by clearing her throat obnoxiously loud.

"Do you have something lodged in your throat?" I said turing around facing bella 

She ignores me and says "hey char- dad"

Dads face falters.I know dad wants Bella as a daughter ,but with her abusing me and her attitude, it's tough.

After a long awkward drive to the house we finally made it. I make it up stairs in my room which is in the attic and start unpacking. It only took about 2 1/2 hours, which is quite good since I thought it would take longer. While I was unpacking Bella was throwing a tantrum about how I get my own room and bathroom, which I might add is not my fault.

Imani's Room:

Dad calls me and Bella downstairs to say hello to some people

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Dad calls me and Bella downstairs to say hello to some people. Downstairs are Billy Black and Jacob Black. Even though Bella has been here plenty of times she clearly doesn't remember them.

"Hello, I'm Imani Charlie's adopted daughter and Bella's 'sister'. I say with a smile on my face and a wave my hand.

"I'm Jacob Black, Bella's friend, and this is my dad Billy." He says while his dad waves to me.

Bella somehow gets jealous by this and attempts to flirt with Jacob, who is clearly uncomfortable,

"Hey Jacob have you gotten bigger over the years" while fluttering her lashes and touching his arm

"...Yes?" He says with hesitation

Dad then breaks up the awkwardness and calls me and Bella over

"Bella I have a surprise for you" dad says

While Bella has a smug look on her face like she's won a secret.Dad then hands her keys to her new car which she snatches away and pushes past me and dad to see a red truck, but she does not look happy to see it. Dad also gives me a pair of keys too. I look in shock at my dream car which I have wanted for years. Out of excitement I jump into my dad's arms and squeal.

"Thank you so much dad .I love it!" I say

After saying our goodbyes to Jacob and Billy,we order 2 large pepperoni pizzas. I washed the dishes , take a shower, got ready for bed ,and put on my nightgown and my bonnet. Knowing that it will be a hectic first day with Bella I fall fast asleep.

Imani's nightgown:

Imani's nightgown:

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Bella's car:

Imani's Car:

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Imani's Car:

Imani's Car:

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