Life's raw facts

31 3 1

Lynx: Hey Iris?

Iris: Yeah? *Puts down her book*

Lynx: We park on the driveway, but drive on the parkway

Iris: :0

Lynx: I've got another, we eat chicken fingers, but chickens don't have fingers

Iris: Lynx stop you're making my brain hurt

Lynx: When it comes to cells, multiplication and division mean the same thing

Iris: *Is slowly rocking on the couch* sTOP!!

Lynx: Is water wet?

Iris: Oh, oh my god I think I'm going to be sick

Lynx: Why's it called a pair of pants if it's only one?

Iris: *Pegs it to the kitchen sink and throws up*

Lynx, watching in the doorway with a smile plastered on his face: Did you enjoy my life lesson?

Iris, looking incredibly ill: n              o

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