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first day

I woke up by the sound of Ahri's crying. It was a cold morning so I threw on myself a robe and went to the next room. We had this baby monitor but we also kept the doors open to hear her.

I fed her and changed her diaper, before going to the living room and placing her on the couch which had those pillow things to make sure she won't fall.

While I was making breakfast Bomin woke up and hugged me from behind. "Are you excited?" he asked and I smiled. "Yeah, it's my first day in college but also I want to stay with Ahri" Recent days we've been just hanging out with our daughter and Bomin was of course studying.

I had normal lectures such as math and biology but most of my classes were of course focused on the major I'm in.

"I'm excited that all of us are have multiple lectures in the same building. I've talked to Yujin yesterday and she said she's been already having a hard time" I said before stuffing my mouth with pancakes.

Yujin chose medicine while Jeno chose business and economics. Bomin decided to chose law. Not gonna lie I felt like I was the dumber one as I didn't get into criminology. But I was fine since I chose less problematic major.

I went to shower and Bomin stayed with Ahri. She is such a good daughter, she's been letting us sleep almost the whole night and she's overly calm and doesn't cry a lot.

While I was changing I heard a door bell, and then the sound of excited grandma's filled the apartment.

"Hey!" I said as I walked into the living room. "How have you been?" Bomin's mom asked me with a warm smile. "Pretty good, still recovering" doctors had to stitch me up, after so I've been uncomfortable from time to time.

Bomin went to get ready while I showed where everything was. Then I played with Ahri until Bomin came and said we gotta go. He wore his backpack and took my bag. I tried to take it away from him but he didn't want to.

I was wearing blue jeans with holes and a white plain crop top. I also wore Bomin's black leather jacket. He drove us to the college which was about 15 minutes away from our apartment. As we parked our car we saw a familiar red really expensive car which belongs to Jeno.

We got out of the car and greeted our friends. The boys went to their lectures and Yujin showed me where I have to go to give some of the papers.

"You're Hwang Hyuna, right?" the woman with dark blonde hair asked as she looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes, I am" then she looked at some of my papers and on one of them there was a reason why I was absent. "Oh! Congrats! Was it a girl?" I smiled and nodded. "Oh, the father will surely have a hard time. I'm sure your daughter will be beautiful" She was a young lady and I was glad that I wasn't insulted by the first person I met.

"Oh, Bin-ah. You're a theater arts major right?" she said to the boy who just came in and left something on the other desk. "Yes, Ms. Jung" he said with a smile. "Can you show her around?" he nodded.

"I'm Moon Bin" he said while putting his hand in front. "I'm Hwang Hyuna" I shook his hand and smiled.

"Nice to meet you" he said with a cheeky smile...

Bin's POV

Hyuna I hope you're single, cause girl you're fine and I want you to be mine.


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