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I wore my knee length black dress that had little sparkles on it. I slightly curled my hair and did my makeup. My belly bump was quite big since I was already 5 months pregnant. I put on my heels and took my bag. I walked downstairs and saw my parents sitting at a dining table talking. "Oh, Hyuna there's a letter on the kitchen counter, it came few minutes ago" I walked up to the kitchen counter and saw that it's a letter from the university that I applied for. Our parents at first wanted us to work at their companies but they decided to let us do what we want to. I applied for two majors in case I'll not get into the one that I want the most.

The one I wanted was Criminology and the  other choice was Theatre Arts/Drama. I opened the envelope and started reading the the letter. My smile disappeared when I saw that I didn't get into Criminology. I started reading further and there it was.

Congratulations! You got accepted for Theatre Arts/Drama at the SNU.

"Did you get into the major you wanted?" I heard Hyunjin say as he sat down wearing his suit. "I didn't get into Criminology" I said with my face down.

"But you applied for two majors" my dad said with a worrying face. "I got into Theatre Arts/Drama" I smiled and my parents came up to me and hugged me. "You worked hard my baby" my mom said as she patted my back.

Even though I didn't get into Criminology I was still really happy that I got into another major that I really wanted to study.

Our parents drove us to school since they are also coming to watch it. My dad helped me with getting out of the car. We walked to the main entrance and we saw Bomin with his parents and also Jeno and Yujin were standing there while their parents were talking and stuff. All of our parents were really close with each other since they were going to the same high school.

"Hii" I said while excitedly walking up to my friends. I hugged them and then I greeted their parents, Bomin's mom gave me a warm hug and his dad patted my shoulder. We all then went to the gym where the graduation was happening. We all found our seats and our parents also found their seats and we just waited for it to start.

"I didn't get into Criminology, but it's fine. I got into Theatre Arts/Drama." I smiled and Bomin side hugged me. "I didn't get my letter yet" Yujin said as she was really worried whether she got into SNU or not. We all wanted to go to the same university as we didn't like to be separated.

The graduation started, our principal made a speach and then he started calling out our names.

"Choi Bomin"

"Hwang Hyuna"

"Hwang Hyunjin"

"Lee Jeno"

"Park Yujin"

All of us finally graduated. This year really was a roller-coaster for all of us. We all had a dinner with our parents after the graduation and in the evening we had like a goodbye party with our class. But Bomin and I said our goodbyes to our class right after the graduation ended because we had an appointment to my obgyn.

Bomin and I waited until the graduation to find out the babies gender and since I was already around 20 weeks pregnant we could find that out.


"How did the appointment go?" my mom asked me as I walked into the living room with Bomin as we just got back. "We asked about the gender today" I said while taking off my jacket which wasn't really mine because it was Bomin's.

"And? Is it a boy?" my dad asked. He really wanted a grandson and Bomin also wanted a son first. The reason was that he might get tired of chasing the boys that will be chasing our daughter if we have one.

"It's a......baby girl!" I said excitedly and my mom jumped up from the couch. "AH YEAH! You owe me 50" my mom said pointing at my dad. Woah, they really made a bet about their grandchild's gender.

"Well, Bomin good luck" My dad said as he patted his shoulder.


We couldn't really sleep so we decided to go on a walk. But at that time I didn't know yet that this night will surely be a special one.

We were sitting on a bench in the park when Bomin suddenly got up and stood in front of me.

"I'll always be sorry for you, because even though you don't say it I know it was difficult for you. I was careless and made you pregnant. But it made me realize how really important you are in my life, and see you smile everyday made me less worried. You're my girlfriend but most importantly my childhood best friend that was always there for me when I had a difficult time. And I'm really happy that those new things I'm able to experience with you." I was tearing up, my hormones were going crazy lately.

Bomin suddenly got on his one knee and took out a small box out of his pocket. My tears were falling down like crazy. He opened the little box and inside there was a beautiful shiny ring. It wasn't just a simple ring, it was his precious grandmother's engagement ring. Before she passed away she gave it to him and told him to give it to the girl he truly loves. Knowing about the ring made me even more emotional.

"Hwang Hyuna, will you marry me?" I didn't trust my voice right now so I just started aggressively nodding my head. He slid the ring onto my ring finger and it fit perfectly. Bomin placed a soft kiss on my lips before hugging me.

I hope we can stay like this forever and live a happy life with our families.


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