Chapter 12 - Let Me Help

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It was around midday when it happened.

Lisanna and Gray were entertaining Natsu (by which I mean the latter was trying to pick a fight while the former tried to keep them apart) while I explained to Mira and Erza my meeting with Ava the day before. Both of their foreheads furrowed in curiosity when I showed them the mysterious box, etched with bizarre patterns.

'It looks quite ordinary to me,' Mira muttered, turning the metal contraption over in her hands.

Erza nodded, 'Yes, but there's a faint remnant of magic; an activation spell.'

'An activation spell,' I repeated quietly as Mira passes the box back to me. I scanned the exterior for what must've been the millionth time.

'Ah,' Erza agreed. 'Its designed to change in some way if a programed event should come to pass.'

I frowned, 'Ava said it would bring me to her in two days if I didn't go back to the spirit world.'

'It must be some sort of tracking device,' Mira said.

Before I could respond, I was struck down by an unimaginable pain. An agony like a lightning bolt tore into being in the center of my chest, expanding outwards like a helium balloon. I screamed my head off as my legs gave out and I collapsed to the floor, clutching at my chest. My vision double and blurred, the world beginning to spin.


A tangle of pink was suddenly by my side, a hand slipping under my head as I thrashed in agony. I felt my body leave the floor as I was lifted up and into someone's strong arms. I suddenly felt warm, and the pain eased slightly, but I still spasmed, nearly falling out of the arms that held me tight.

I heard people talking, but their voices seemed to come through a layer of plastic; they were dull and incomprehensible. All I could tell was they sounded urgent. My body squirmed in torment.

Whoever had ahold of me was suddenly in motion, sprinting across the guild hall while trying to keep their arms steady. I didn't make it three steps before my head dropped and pain consumed me completely.

Hours, days, possibly even months later, I opened my eyes to a dark room and a constant throbbing in my head. My limbs were numb and I couldn’t feel my fingers or toes.

With a groan, I sat up but found my way blocked by a heavy weight on my chest. Looking to my right, I came face to face with a soft head of hair, the persons arm draped over my stomach and holding me down.

I felt my face grow warm, ‘N-Natsu, wake up.’

‘Mm?’ the lump beside me stirred. ‘Wh-wha?’

I shook his arm with my senseless hand, ‘Natsu. Wake up.’


He drew back his arm around my waist as fast as a viper strike, sitting up jerkily and almost falling out of the bed. The light from outside was dull, but from the moons luminescence, I could see his cheeks tint pink.

‘Um, s-sorry,’ he stuttered. ‘Mira, sh-she-’

His words failed him, but I found his fumbling endearing. I chuckled lightly and shook my head, a slight ache rolling through my skull.

‘It’s okay,’ I assured him. ‘Thanks for staying.’

Natsu turned slightly pinker, ‘I couldn’t not stay.’

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