-chapter 12-[cuddles]

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[A/W Well fever teaser 2 is out,  i don't know how loud i scremed when i saw tht ] Engenes fighting :) Stream hard]

[A/W Well fever teaser 2 is out,  i don't know how loud i scremed when i saw tht ] Engenes fighting :) Stream hard]

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Jungwon said , looking straight into jay's eye's , '' please , go '',

as a drop of tear rolled down his cheek .

Jay wanted to stay,  '' J-jungwon '', jay wanted to stay . But the instant guilt hovered over him, that he just confessed jungwon, which was unplanned and said something inappropriate to him.

''please don't come here again '' , jungwon says looking down .

Jay lefts the room, jungwon, put his hand over his face , as he says under his breath

''it can't be you , jay -hyung ''

''only you , no matter what '' , he says as he grabs the ring pendant on his neck ,and cries his heart out

@jay on his way to dorm

''Now I'have done it '' , jay says under his breath, as his puts his hand on his head .

''i am the worst '' , he says as he runs his hand through  in his hair .

''The ring  , I couldn't get to return  it '', he sighs with frustration .What do i do ?''

''God dammit ''


Jay has not been coming across, first beacause of guilt , second Jungwon has been avoiding. Everday he has been visiting the student council. but whenever he goes Jungwon is either not there or he is working .

 Jungwon  was busy preparing for the campus festival , that is tommorow .

jay was sitting in the basketball field, on a bench . Bending down looking on the grasses in the field.

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