A Japanese Pilot { Bakugou}

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You were cooking dinner when suddenly your whole house shook from the foundation, you panicked and hit the floor crawling under the table. After a couple minutes of nothing you stood and ran to the door to put your shoes on before opening the door only to see a jet nose deep in your garden, you ran over and noticed blood on the inside of the dome. After a second of pumping yourself up you pulled the dome back to find a man with a head wound laying inside the cockpit. You pulled him out and laid him on the ground before placing your ear to his chest, he was breathing. A sigh of relief left your lips before you hooked your arms under his and dragging him.

He woke up in a strange bedroom, he quickly shot up and looked around freezing when the door began to open. He looked over to see a women carrying a tray with food on it "Morning sleepyhead." She beamed as she placed the food on his lap before pulling an old looking rocking chair from the corner and pulling it next to his bed to sit "You had me worried a bit, good thing you landed on my land though." She held her hand up and it began to glow green "My healing quirk can only do so much, your still in pretty bad shape." He ate as if she wasn't sitting next to him "Well im F/n L/n and you are?"

Still nothing you stood with a huff "Thats fine, i'll come get the plate when you done then." You left him be to go do the dishes, a strong arm passed by your face as he put the bowl in the sink and sat at the table "So... you got a name?" He only turned and looked around the kitchen as you sighed again "Alright. I'll be in the garden, you know the one your plane didn't destroy, if you need me." You grabbed your basket and went out and started picking your vegetables, you grabbed your basket and started dragging it to the house, man this was so much easier when your dad was around. 

Suddenly the strong arm grabbed the basket from you "Oh, thanks." He nodded as he started walking towards the house "So anything specific you want for dinner?" He shook his head as he walked off leaving the basket by the skin so you could clean them. The next day you woke up earlier and got dressed to start your chores, you walked into the kitchen to see the pilot at the table drinking coffee "Morning." He turned to you but said nothing, you made yourself a cup and sat next to him "You shouldn't be up this early, your steal healing." He gave you a look "Like hell im gonna let you let me live here for free just tell me what you need done." "O-oh alright! Well the field could use someone who can actually work it."

He nodded as he stood leaving the house as you grabbed a broom, finally you can catch up on the housework you've been putting off. After you fixed a leaky pipe thats been on your nerves for weeks you grabbed some lemonade you had in the fridge and walked outside "Thought you might be thirsty." He drunk it and and went right back to work without a second thought so you just went back to working in the house. After hours he came in and sat at the table as you placed a plate down, eating in silence. This went of for months before you two started to actually talk. 

His name is Katsuki Bakugou and he was a pilot in the war, he was shot down and thats how he came to crash into your garden. Even with that scary look he has hes actually really sweet but you know you cant get to attached hes only here because he needs your healing quirk so he can get back on his feet. Months after hes arrived you did your last swoop of your quirk and all that was left was a small scar on his forehead "Alright Katsuki, tomorrow i'll bring you into town and we can sell some of my foods and such and get you money to get back to your old life." He frowned "What will you do?"

You put the plate you were washing away and gave him a reassuring smile "I'll be fine, I got the house fixed up so I can work in the fields, give with my full attention now." "And what if I dont want to go back to my old life?" "Huh?" He gave over taking your hands in his "What if I want to stay here with you on the farm?" "You cant, your friends, family im sure they miss you and wanna see you again, alive and well." His grip on your hands tightened as he shook his head "Fuck them, your the only thing in my life that matters to me anymore, I wont let you take that away from me."

(859 Words)

Requested by: Kamiko_1234

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