𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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AS THE BAD BATCH pulled out of hyperspace, omega took in the view. omega has never been outside of kamino, so seeing the stars was surreal. her eyes glowed with curiosity, and her smile widened as she looked. hunter was used to the emptiness of space, but based on the expression omega held, maybe space wasn't so empty.

"so, this friend of yours, does she have a name?" tech inquired.

"she does, but i can't tell you her real name." her words confused hunter and quite frankly put him on edge.

"what do you mean, you 'can't tell us?'" his voice was almost cold and hard, but he learned from cut to use a different tone of voice.

"she's in hiding from the empire. she goes by star." omega responds. she was thrilled to see her friend again, though she hoped her friend would remember her. it was silent again as they descended upon the outer rim planet dantooine. the greens and blues of the planet were dim, almost as if the galaxy had done that itself.

"dantooine, no affiliation obvious." tech pointed out as they entered the atmosphere.

"that's why she decided to stay here. it's neutral, well, mostly." omega informed. touching down on the planet's surface, omega leaped from her seat. her heart pounded as she raced off of the ship, a smile on her face.

"she's gonna get herself killed," hunter growled under his breath as he ran out after her. he would never admit it, but he cared for the little girl. she was like them, what the kaminoans labeled as 'defective.'

they followed omega out, the air sticky with vapor. omega stopped and gave the place a look around; every building looked the same. not many people were out, and those that were quickly shuffled their way back inside; the sight of the clones scared them.

"there's nothing here," echo commented. finally, omega spotted the place she'd been looking for: the village's 'bar.'

"there!" she pointed and ran, not caring if hunter followed or not.


the bar was small and slow. very few customers sat at the bar, leaving the bartender in perfect eyesight. a togruta woman stood behind the counter; her skin-toned a beautiful orange and her headdress striped blue and white. she was built, but she had a quiet nature to her. the woman picked up her head to greet her new customers but hesitated. she had heard of the clones and the turn of the republic through a co-worker of hers; she didn't want to get involved in their affairs.

"what can i get started for you?" she asked, her voice delicate like silk. her eyes were a violet color, and against her skin, they glowed.

"uh, we were looking for someone, actually." hunter started, giving the place a look around. the togruta opened up her arms laterally.

"this is all you've got to work with. mind giving me a name?" she rested her arms back at her sides.

"she goes by star," omega proudly stated. the woman's face paled for a moment. she couldn't be talking about vana, right?

"i don't know a woman named star, sorry." she picked up her rag and walked to the other side of the counter. they were talking about vana, and considering they were clones — except the girl — she grew fearful. what if they were here to kill her?

"well, that was a bust," echo mused. he had this feeling in his gut that grew stronger the more he was there. the togruta bartender knew who they were referring to, and based on her reaction, she was protecting whoever this star was.

"i thought she'd be here," omega's face dropped, her eyes averted to look at her feet. she hoped that vana would be there, and last time they spoke, vana was at this bar, but maybe omega was too late. maybe the empire found her already.

"hey, kid, it's alright. maybe she's still here, but that bartender isn't telling us something. we'll keep working her." hunter knelt and placed a hand on omega's shoulder, offering a smile. omega nodded and watched as hunter and the others walked to where the bartender was.

"look, i know you're protecting this star, but we need to talk to her. she's the only one — supposedly — who can help us." hunter rested his arms on the table, trying to put on a nice front.

"i don't know who you're talking about!" she insisted through gritted teeth. her face wasn't as soft as it was earlier; it was scrunched up with frustration.

"you do!"

"even if i did, i wouldn't tell you. how is it assured you won't go killing people?" she shot back, her eyes cold as ice. hunter realized then that she was talking about the clones, that they were clones themselves.

"we didn't turn like the others did," hunter whispered, his last attempt to try and get this bartender to spill. "please. we need her help." he didn't like how desperate he sounded, but in their given situation, he was desperate. the woman bit the inside of her cheek, the gears turning in her head.

"fine, i do know her, but i'm warning you: if you decide to turn against her, you won't walk out of here alive. that is a threat." she narrowed her eyes, making sure they understood all that was at stake. the clones and the girl nodded, and she flung the rag over her shoulder, leading them towards the back.

"star, you got some visitors." the togruta called into a back room. there was movement, and another woman emerged. she walked with a strut, her arms hanging loosely at her sides. when the light touched her face, the face of echo paled; he knew exactly who this was. her hair was longer and still a brilliant shade of blonde, her eyes were tired, and her body was still muscular, but echo could recognize her from anywhere.


"well, it seems like you finally found me."

hehehehehe i made this one longer because why not. annnddddd i am a lot happier with how this chapter went, now that we're getting into some cool stuff. i'm so so excited for the rest of this book y'all like—
anyway, thanks for the support already! wow! i hope you guys enjoy!

𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now