how it all started

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Let's start with the culmination, because all good movies and books start at the end right?

I stood on the edge of a sheer cliff contemplating a quick and painless death from the jagged and razor sharp rocks far below me. As I took my last step and flew to silence and the peace of death, I thought of the future I would never have. The love for which I lived and would soon die for. Her beautiful face, her funny poems.  Then there was nothing...           Or that's what would have happened if I had the guts to go through with it but being a zombie I had none.

No. I'm not going to give the ending away first, you need to earn it like all the other readers.  The nerve!  Anyway stick around and you shall be rewarded.

I sat waiting for my flight exausted beyond measure, I contemplated the life I had lived and how much depended on the attaché I held tightly lest it slip from my grasp along with my future.  In a few hours I will be on a plane to see my wife which I haven't seen in over a year.  I was taken hostage by terorists in China you see but I'll spare you the blood and gore of the time I spent in a small cell and the beatings that came and went.  So skipping forward a few hours this is the relation of my strange adventure.

As I boarded the plane I began to feel the sensation of my body dissappear and become replaced by that of a machine, I had great difficulty maneuvering my body.    As my machine mumbled a slow and heavy thank you to the stewardess greating me with an easing smile, I struggled on.  I dragged myself to my seat.  It felt like I was moving backwards in slow motion,  every step a mile, every mile an eternity.  When I reached my seat I fell into it with a quiet relish unknown to me before then.  "Now I will rest" I thought, little did I know what was awaiting me.  The next thing I knew I was thrust into a dark, silent pit that was deep sleep. 

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