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The man took the first step towards the door, knocking gently with his knuckles. The door opened a moment later, revealing another man dressed in the same attire; pristine all-black suit.

"Ahh Gordon," the doorman greeted as his eyes darted from me to the man I had made the deal with. "I didn't know your were on the searching job again."

"I'm not, this one happened to catch my eye."

"Deadlines have been met for months, has the girl been trained?"

"No, but I'm sure she'll be fine."

"The boss isn't going to like this."

"I'll deal with him."

I looked down at my fingers as I fiddled with them, not liking the attention that I was receiving.

"Interesting. Well then, hello to you miss, I hope all goes well."

I bowed my head in response.

The man stepped aside letting Gordon and I pass, we entered a fancy hallway, which was not expected considering the exterior of the building. I kept my head bowed as we passed people all dressed in the same black suits. Most stopped to greet Gordon and fancy what he had brought in along with him, me.

I kept close to Gordon, especially with all the commotion going on around us. Seeing as I hadn't done it before, I looked up to study him. He was a young man still, probably bordering his late twenties and early thirties. In the light, I now realised just how handsome he really was.

I was suddenly pushed to the side, I landed on something study but my vision was still blurry so I wasn't able to see what exactly it was.

Hands. I could feel hands on my arms. Large ones, not petite enough to be a female.

I could hear Gordon in the background calming other men as they yelled while my vision cleared, turning my head I saw a boy around my age dressed in the same attire as the men that surrounded him. At his feet laid broken glass, a puddle of red wine and a silver tray. Gordon was busy defending the boy who had knocked into me.

"Are you alright, darling!"

I looked over to the woman who spoke. She seemed to be in her late fifties or early sixties, although old she still had an applaudable amount of beauty.

The hard object I was on seemed to tense provoking me to look up, once I did I realised that I wasn't pressed up to an idle object but rather against a man. His hair was as black as raven feathers, his eyes glowing like silver molten and his skin a soft golden colour. The man was glorious and terrifying at the same time.

I pulled away abruptly, dropping into a low curtsy and bowing my head just as my mother had taught me for years. Powerful men needed respect whether or not they were good or bad didn't matter.

I could tell from the silence around me that most people around had stopped to observe the scene.

"That is not necessary," the man before me spoke curtly. I slowly stood but kept my eyes facing the marble floor.

"Mister Arlington, what a pleasant surprise apart from the circumstances of our meeting. Is there anything that I can compensate to make up for this rucket?" Gordon announced, making the men around gawk at the man before me.

"Everything is alright Gordon, there is no need."

Gordan hurried beside me, as the men around quickly cleaned the mess before scattering about.

"Im surprised to see you here."

"Yes, well it wasn't on my schedule but Mary insisted we come, after all, she is getting old and frail."

Was that meant to be a joke?

Immediately after his comment, there was a sound of a light slap cushioned by clothing.

"Well, I assure you we have the best girls to offer."

The man that went by Mister Arlington only hummed in response. I lifted my head as Gordon spoke.

"The auctions start in an hour, so enjoy the beverages while you wait. I hope you see something you like. Mister Arlington. Miss Mary."

"Gordon," Mister Arlington spoke, bowing his head slightly.

With that Gordon and I took our leave. As we walked I made sure to pay attention to my surrounding, not wanting another incident to happen.

I was lead to a room that happened to be a large bathroom. It consisted of white tiles, with rows of showers at the bottom half and at the top half of the room, there were rows of mirrors above basins.

"Bathrooms all yours since the other girls have already washed, once your finished dress yourself in one of the white dresses that are in the came basket by the door. You can leave your current clothes in one of the bins. Please do be quick, I'll be waiting here for you."

I nodded and walked in, leaving him standing by the door. I didn't waste any time, I grabbed a towel and one of the long white dresses Gordon was talking about before walking to a shower stall.

I stripped and turned on the hot water, letting out a deep sigh as I let the water run down my skin. It was the first shower I had in a week. I didn't hesitate to use the scented soap and hair products and although I felt guilty I didn't let it stop me from using more than enough.

I scrubbed at the dirt and sweat that was stuck on me. I felt as if I was going back to the night my mother died.

How I desperately scrubbed at my skin until it was red and raw. Watching as the blood-coloured water ran off of my body down the drain.

I shook the thought away, washing the soap off of me before drying myself down and changing into the white dress.

I walked to the basin where I chucked my old clothes in one the bins that rested underneath. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and could help but stare, it had been a while since I did so.

There was nothing unusual about me at first sight. I had long loose curly brunette hair, hazel eyes, and slightly golden skin. Apart from my sunken cheeks, dark circles under my eyes and chapped lips, there wasn't much to look at and suspect something was off.

But looking at my reflection I could only remember the blood that clung to my face and the water that built up in my crazed eyes.

A monster.

Mister ArlingtonWhere stories live. Discover now