Chapter 18

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"Ron where are the diapers if I may ask?" Hermione asked Ron as she put her baby Rose in the table that has some soft cloth on top of it so that she can change Rose and Scorpius diapers "it's right there next to the night stand Harry said we might need it so I asked him a pair" he answered, as Hermione heard this she quickly goes to the nightstand and get both diapers, as she went to the table she gave one to Ron "what am I going to do with this?" he asked questionably "your changing Scorpius's diaper" she simply stated "you expect me to change him no bloody way" he argued as he let out of his hand that has a diaper to Hermione "Ron just do it and get it over with!" she shouted quietly, Ron groaned at this and made his way to Scorpius's side. Hermione finished in record time since she's been babysitting some kids when she was home in the summer or winter break, while Ron was struggling a bit but managed, they finished them up and Hermione sat in the chair getting ready to feed her while Ron took out a bottle of formula and checked the temperature of the liquid formula because as his mom stated 'babies need their formula warm' he checked then fed it to baby Scorpius while Hermione fed rose on the chair by the window to look at the starry night sky

While Ron fed Scorpius he looked at him disgustingly but later with happiness, he immediately mentally slapped at himself about what he was thinking 'he's a Malfoy and he might steal my future daughter away from me remember don't let them get close' he mentally remind himself as he started to distract himself by envisioning what will happen if Scorpius was someone else so he envisioned Scorpius with Weasley hair, and skin, and adorned with some freckles around his face with Hermione's eyes and his face structure, he blushed at his vision and shook it off to reveal Scorpius in his real skin, hair, face and eyes he heavily sighed at this 'this is going to be hard' he thought, after 10 excruciating minutes of feeding Scorpius's bottle is finally done and now attempts to burp him, after burping he felt some milk was spilled into the back shirt 'next time bring a towel in the future' he mentally remind himself as he placed him in his crib and met by her future baby daughter right beside him he looked at his side who was Hermione happily watching the babies sleep as the hugged each other "Mione" he said fuming "for merlin's sake Ronald can you please have an open mind about this?" she asked attentively "Fine" he mumbled, they both stared at them for a long 5 mins and finally got ready for bed.

Harry and his 3y/o future eldest son James got undressed and hit the tub with bubbles quickly "daddy look bubbles!" James screamed in wonder as he motioned his arms up and down splashing the water a little bit and Harry simply giggled as he took a nice warm bath with his eldest, meanwhile Ginny bathed baby Albus, she filled up the small steel basin half way with warm water, she carefully sat him down into the basin supporting his upper half allowing him to splash a bit of water, she carefully sprinkled some water gently into his soft delicate white skin to wash him and applied soap gently and some shampoo in his peachy head after the bath he dried him up gently and gave him some new clothes and rocked him to sleep in his crib; she undressed herself in her bedroom then put on some bathrobes and 3 towels on hand after she, Harry and James bathe, she was about to reach the handle of her bedroom but stopped as she froze in realization 'I'm going to see Harry NAKED' she thought then mentally screamed, she took some deep breaths and made her way to the bathroom giggles and screams were the only thing heard in the hallway she stopped at the door observing the future father and son duo as they splashed and had fun together, she saw Harry's happiest face yet a face that made her heart leap with fondness, she never saw him this happy is it because of his son or the fact that for the first time he felt like he was part of a family for once; James turned to the door with glee as he saw his mother "mummy you're here!" he exclaimed, Harry shot his eyes to his door blushing as he saw Ginny in her bathrobes "indeed I am my little marauder looks like you and daddy are having a great time without me" his mother said as she was entering the bathroom placing the towels by the sink blushing a little "Mummy that's not true it's much more fun with you and daddy around!" he exclaimed, Ginny and Harry giggled at this with a creeping blush forming in their faces "ok my little marauder can you and daddy don't look for a little while" she asked embarrassingly, Harry knew what she meant so he quickly looked away blushing furiously while James tilted his head to the side as he did not now what his mother meant "please?" she pleaded, James still didn't understand but obeyed as he closed his eyes with his hands, Ginny removed her bathrobes as it fell into the ground gracefully not noticing some quick peaks from his son and surprisingly Harry who is blushing furiously, Ginny entered the tub quickly, she told them that they can look now after she covered herself with bubbles after they saw her James splashed her mother with water but that did not stop her from splashing some to Harry who was now splashing at her both not noticing their exposed body parts.

Minutes had passed it was time to get out of the tub and dry up, Ginny asked them again to not look as she got out of the tub and wiped her whole body clean with a towel and slip onto her bathrobes "ok you can look now" she told them and got out of the bathroom, Harry and James II looked at Ginny who was wearing her bathrobes and exited the bathroom, Harry got out first and dried himself clean and put his towel below his waist and got his future son and dried him up and put the towel at the same place Harry placed his and carried him to Ginny's room as they entered the room they saw Ginny in white pink nightgown ready to sleep James got down from Harry and ran to his mother who was staring into the night sky in her bedroom balcony, Ginny turned around as she heard her future son still in his towel running to her she giggled and carried him as he hugged her she carried James II to her closet not noticing Harry left without a word blushing furiously to his and Ron's shared bedroom changing to his night clothes; after Ginny changed James II into his blue and white striped pajamas they both went to bed "Mummy where's daddy?" her future asked pleadingly, she was going to answer until Harry entered the room saying Hi and fully clothed in his nightwear as he walked to Ginny's bed, James II smiled contently as he was in between his parents while under the covers ready to sleep, Ginny gently stroke his head making him sleepy while Harry just stared at him with love, Harry saw James II close his eyes as he twisted to Ginny's side, he got off the bed only to be stopped by a half awake 3 year-old son "Daddy please stay with me and mummy tonight please" his son pleaded groggily almost asleep "Ok James I'll stay" Harry replied with a smile plastered in his place as he leaned to the head board of the bed, Ginny was only filled with content as she saw this interaction she smiled happily still stroking her sons head till he was fully asleep, slowly Ginny gave up to her sleepiness and leaned her head into Harry's shoulders unnoticeably, Harry was of course shocked but quickly brushed it off as he saw Ginny's cute sleepy face he stared at both his future son and Ginny for what it felt like an eternity when in reality it was a few minutes as he now succumb to sleep and dreamt about the future he and Ginny will have after the war, after the death of he who will not be named.


A/N: Hey guys sorry for the late chapter but to make it up to you I'll be posting another chapter in a few moments so don't worry anyways don't forget to Follow, Vote, and Comment and as always all the characters from this book is originally owned by the magnificent J.K Rowling have a great day everyone!💕😁💕

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