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I don't know if I should call this an epilogue or what but I just wanted to share with you guys what my dream for this story was.

- Staubrey proposed while also in southern France

- Staubrey sex

- Mitchsen sex (Chloe approved)

- Chaubrey sex (Beca approved)

- Beca, Chloe, Aubrey sex

- Beca, Chloe, Stacie sex

- Beca, Chloe, Aubrey, Stacie sex 

- Lots and lots and lots of Bechloe sex

- Maybe some voyeurism between Beca and Chloe only 

- Maybe a second try at the bdsm smut 

(yes its mostly sex that's kinda the point of my story but sadly I think I've lost my ability to write smut somehow)

- At least one romantic dinner date

- Bellas get invited out to France to hang out once they find out Chloe, Beca, Stacie, Aubrey and Emily are all there. 

- I wanted to include Beca's POV of her trip to buy an engagement ring for Chloe to show just how nervous she was

- A real epilogue after Beca proposes telling about how they are after the proposal. 

- After the proposal they decide to stay until Beca's flight home, when they both go back together. They plan to have a wedding with all of the bellas in attendance sometime in the next year. 

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