Chapter 5 | Knight

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After that little accident, Sanji refused to leave (Y/n)'s side.

He was terrified by the idea of her getting hurt and being left alone, with no one to lean on.

Maybe it was the result of his difficult and lonely childhood that made him grow these kinds of fear, or it was simply the idea of leaving his friend alone that made him get into "protective big brother" mode.

At first, it was cute. In fact, (Y/n) enjoyed being with the cook, and she loved talking with him, but even she needed some time alone as everybody else does.

But how could she possibly tell the cook that all his attention was getting annoying without sounding rude and hurting the man's feelings? She knew he was only doing it out of his good heart, he only had the best intentions, but when it's too much it's too much.

Wherever she went, he would be there, offering to accompany her like a true knight.

"Oh (Y/n) chan! You're going out to explore the town? I'll go with you, besides, I have some groceries to buy anyway."

And he would stay by her side the whole time, he wouldn't get too close though, he respected her personal space, but he didn't want anything happening to her.

As much as she would have liked to ignore the problem, she knew that it was probably beginning to be a hassle for Sanji too, even if he himself hadn't realized it yet.

"Hey Sanji, I need to talk to you about something."

Oh no, that I need to talk to you never brings good things.

He nervously turned around and looked at her face, worrying that she had started to hate him with how he had been acting lately.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so harsh... I know you're worried about what happened during that fight, but I'm not that weak, you know? I got distracted, and before you say anything! I know, I should never get distracted on the battlefield, I get it, it won't happen again. 

I know you just want to protect me, but nothing will change even if you stand by my side 24/7."

He was terribly embarrassed, but he was glad she understood his good intentions and didn't think he was just a pervert.

"I'm sorry (Y/n) chwan, I won't do that again... I'll leave you alone from now on, you're probably tired after all this mess."

The young swordswoman just smiled and walked up to Sanji, she grabbed his arm and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Sorry, you won't be getting rid of me that easily. I still want to help you in the kitchen and stay by your side whenever you need me, so I expect you to do the same from now on. Hehe"

Sanji's brain had officially stopped working. He didn't even know from where he took the strength to keep mostly calm and still.

His face got bright red and (Y/n) had noticed, and it must have been contagious since her face started getting warmer.

This cute little moment was brutally interrupted by non other than the captain of this ship himself, bursting in the kitchen and demanding a snack before lunch.

Needless to say, the poor cook didn't know how to react, on one hand he really didn't want to separate from his friend, on the other hand, he was dying to give Luffy a lesson for his terribly bad timing.

In the end she was the one to let go, giving Sanji the perfect opportunity to run after Luffy.

"Finallly. Everything's back to normal."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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