The blood curse

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Astoria's POV

(Healer Astoria)

"Hello is this Healer Nyx?"

"Yes hello may I ask who this is"

"I contacted you last around 7 years ago I think. At the time my name was Astoria Greengrass but I'm married now"

"Oh Astoria how can I help you"

"Back in my 6th year you told me that I have a blood curse that will become active in the future"

"Yes but the curse shouldn't effect you until you're much older darling. Around 37"

"Yes that's what I thought too but I was hospitalised 3 years ago because of some stressful things that happened in my life and I'm out of St Mungos now but I'm getting weaker everyday"

"Oh deary. How old are you again?"

"I'm 23 now but my birthdays n next month"

"The 20th of February I believe"

"Yes that's correct"

"Well dear come in for a check up today around 12 and we'll see what's happening"

"Okay thank you very much"

"No problem love. Everything will be okay don't worry"

"I sure hope it is"

"Hey Theo I need to go somewhere later" I said and he looked at me curiously, "Are you going to buy me something?".

"So you're not even going to ask where I'm going", "I don't care where you're going Tori as long as you get me food" he smiled and I hit his shoulder playfully.


"Hello Astoria I'm afraid I have some bad news" Healer Nyx said as she came into the room clutching onto her clipboard. She finished all the tests she had to run around an hour ago and we've just been waiting for the results ever since. "Your blood curse is beginning to take effect earlier then it should've" She frowned as she rubbed my back.

"So does this mean I'm going to die?" I asked quietly and she sighed. "Well your chance of survival is currently at 13% but there is something we can do to save you" She said but her frown never left her face. "When I checked your files it said that you had a daughter is that right?" She asked and I nodded, "If we bring her in we might be able to transfer your curse to he-"

"No" I said interrupting her, "I refuse to put Ophelia in any sort of danger". "Astoria the chances of you dying are dangerously high. You really should consider it, you'll still have plenty of time with your daughter before her time comes" Nyx reasoned but I shook my head. "I'm sorry but I'd rather take the chance" I said as I stormed out of the room and apparated home.

Theodore's POV

I've been braiding Ophelia's hair since Astoria went out. Everything was going well until the main door slammed shut and Ophelia started crying, "shhh shh Ophelia everything is okay" I said as I set her on my chest and rubbed her back. "Your mummy just came home okay hun, let's go check on her" I walked down the stairs and saw Astoria sitting on the couch with a bottle of firewhisky in her hand.

"Tori are you okay?" I asked softly and she shot her head up in my direction, "Yes I'm okay Nott, why wouldn't I be? Why what have you heard?" She said quickly. "Nothing nothing I was just wondering why you seem stressed" I said calmly but Astoria was still worked up. "Stressed? Stressed over what. I'm not sure what you want from me" she snapped as she got up from the chair and walked away.

"Your mummy is just a bit tired okay sweetie" I cooed as I combed my fingers through her hair.


"Goodnight darling" I said as I kissed Astoria's forehead then rolled back over to my side, "Hey Theo I need to talk to you about something" she said nervously. "Oh no what happened" I asked and she sighed.

"So you know how I went out earlier..." She said and I nodded slowly, "...well I went to see my healer-", "Are you ill again? What happened this time?" I questioned. "Yes I am ill but not like that" She said and I gave her a confused look.

"My blood curse is starting to make me weaker. The healer said that my chance of survival is only 13% which is kind of good because usually blood curses kill" she said as she looked into my eyes. "No Astoria you can't leave me please tell me there's another way" I begged and she started crying.

Astoria's POV

He doesn't need to know that Ophelia can save me. I am not risking my child's life.

"No there's no other way" I said and now tears were flowing from his eyes too. He pulled me into a tight, warm hug and we laid there crying until we both fell asleep.

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