Giovanna and Draco Malfoy

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Draco's POV

15 days went past and then in was time for our wedding. I was staying at the Zabini manor with Luna, Blaise and Mrs Zabini as Theo and Astoria were on their honeymoon up until yesterday. In another 5 hours i will be married to Gia and we'll properly be starting our lives together. My father already alerted the papers so there will be thousands of photographers there waiting to take our pictures.

I haven't slept tonight. I'm too nervous, why on earth did we decide a 12pm wedding would be smart. That's far far too early.
I'm panicking, not because I don't want to marry Gia but i'm just scared that i'm gonna mess up again.

I tapped my foot against the floor aggressively and played with the rings on my hands. I decided to take the rings that were on my ring finger off so the wedding ring can have space. "TILLY" I shouted and within seconds I heard the pop of a house elf. "How can Tilly serve guest Draco" the house elf squeaked, "Uhm just a water please" I asked and the elf popped away. Usually I wouldn't of been so nice to a house elf but Luna made it very clear that if I disrespected any of the elves she would do something about it. And I didn't feel like crossing Luna.


I checked my watch, 30 minutes to 12pm. Half an hour till the wedding starts. I was walking up and down until I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around quickly and saw my mother smiling at me. "I'm sorry if you don't want to do this dear but you're of age and you're father wants you to be wed as soon as possible" she said softly, "Oh no mother Giovanna was my girlfriend before we've just had a few uhm challenges in our relationship" Technically I didn't lie. She was my girlfriend before but I didn't feel like telling my mum all the details.

"Oh well that's great then, Mr Moon wants to have a little talk with you by the way" She said as she rubbed my back and walked towards my father. I started walking to Mr Moon getting ready to have the "if you hurt my daughter i'll hurt you" conversation with him. "Ah if it isn't the Malfoy heir" he greeted. "Hello Mr Moon, don't worry i'm going to treat Giovanna very well" i said as he looked a bit confused. Oh no did she tell him everything i've done? "Oh you think i'm going to threaten you don't you?" he said and he chuckled as i nodded slowly. "I was just going to say that i know my daughter can be a stubborn fool and i won't mind if you have to use traditional methods to put her in her place" he said seriously and i was livid.

"Are you suggesting that i hit my wife into submission?" I asked angrily, "Well if that does the job then yeah" he replied calmly as if he hadn't just asked me to abuse his daughter to 'fix' her behaviour. "Well i don't know about you Mr Moon but i expect a husband to love and care for their partner not to use idiotic ways to 'correct them' or what did you call it again? Was it 'traditional methods' because to me that sounds like traditional bullshit. I am never ever going to lay a hand on Gia and i hope for your own sake that you don't lay a hand on your wife either. Now if you'll excuse me i have to go and marry your daughter." I said as i walked away quickly.

I've just insulted and threatened my future wifes father in one conversation. To be honest he deserved it.


I looked into Gia's soft eyes as she looked into my watery ones. We held hands as the officiant was talking. I just tuned him out, too focused on the beauty in front of me. "Do you Giovanna Moon take Draco Malfoy to be your lawfully wedded husband" he asked as she nodded quickly and quietly said "I do". "And do you Draco Malfoy take Giovanna Moon to be your lawfully wedded wife" I just nodded knowing that if i spoke my voice would crack and tears would rush down my face. "Well then i pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss" He said as he stepped away, I made sure to not make the same mistake as the Notts so i only pecked her lips. I whispered into her ear "we'll kiss properly later" and moved away, I saw her face heat up and i heard her bridesmaids giggle in the background. "WOOP MY BESTIES ARE MARRIED NOW" Theo cheered making his parents glare at him.



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tagged: @alex.hamilton @giovanna.m

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@daddymalfoy: Shit i got the best one
tagged: @giovanna.m

@giovanna.m: SHHHH

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@gin.and.tonic: these rich ppl weddings hit different
   ~@keeper.ron: MHMMM
   ~@harryp: IDK WHY I WAS INVITED
   ~@giovanna.m: because you're mione's friends
   ~@mione.granger: your welcome you two

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