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(Kaoru's pov)
I was leaving the restaurant with my men when a commotion by the door catches my attention.

"Kizaki whats going on?"

"Its just some rousy kid boss, nothing to concern you."

I nod, heading out the door to the car. I could hear more yelling and the crashing of glass as i opened the door. I had one foot in the car when my head snapped to the left.  A scream echoed through the room from a voice id never forget.

"Daddy! Daddy! No daddy!" A child sobs "Daddy!" 

I glance up, my eyes catching the pink bear flashing through the legs of my men and my heart stops.

"Move along brat!"
"Keep walking!"

But this only makes her more upset "Daddy! Daddy dont leave me again!" She sobs falling onto the floor "daddy please!"

I felt my legs moving like they had done so long ago, my hands move, shoving anyone and everyone out of the way. Anyone that could touch her and scoop up the child under the arm and high into the air. It was like all the oxygen had been sucked from my lungs.


She looks at me sobbing loudly, arms stretched out like they had four years ago

"Daddy why did you leave us?"

I pull her to my chest, moving her away from the group of men and inhale her scent, green apple like always and sigh

"I'm sorry Callie, I'm so sorry."

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