Get Bugged

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"Eek!" Misty hides behind me

"What's up with you?" I ask

"Viridian Forest is filled with icky bugs..." She says

"Oh look a Caterpie!" Ash shouts from up ahead

Misty buries her face into my shoulder. She really must hate bug pokemon.

Ash throws a pokeball at Caterpie. It rocks three times before the button on it flashes red.

"Hey, nice job Ash, you caught it." I state

"Yes! I caught my first pokemon! Hey Pikachu, looks like you have a new friend." Ash exclaims

"As long as you keep it in its pokeball and away from me." Misty says

"Aw, your not scared of a itty bitty bug, are you?" Ash teases

"Bugs get me all... bugged out! Even if it's in a pokeball!" She argues

"Alright, alright, calm down, both of you. Misty come on, you really hate a Caterpie?" I ask

"Y-Yes..." She admits

I just sigh.

This girl acts so mature too... ironic

"I mean, I like bugs, in or out of the pokeball. I love my Caterpie, imagine it in its pokeball, all cute and comfortable..." Ash starts snuggling the pokeball

"Takes a bug to like a bug..." Misty mutters

"Very funny, chill out Misty." I snap

Ash decides to introduce Caterpie to Pikachu.

"Alright, Caterpie, your sticking with us." He says

"Wait, you don't mean-" Misty starts

"Come on out Caterpie!" Ash let's Caterpie free

Misty decides to run at the sight of Caterpie, hiding behind a tree.

"Really Misty? I swear, you acted so differently earlier..." I sigh

Caterpie goes over to Misty and nuzzles her leg.

"Get this disgusting thing away from me!" Misty shrieks

"You think Caterpie's disgusting?" Ash asks

Caterpie then looks down sadly, I guess Misty is hurting its feelings.

"Misty, you do realize pokemon have feelings too, right?" I cross my arms

"Ngh... I know, how about you be friends with Caterpie and I be friends with Pikachu." Misty suggests

Next thing you know, Pikachu is heading over to Misty.

"Nice try, Pikachu likes only me and zaps everyone else." Ash scoffs

"Uh, Ash, open your eyes." I say

"Wha- Pikachu!"

"Ash, put that slimy thing back in the pokeball! Bugs are one of the three most disgusting things in the world!" Misty states

"Other than you, what are the other two?" Ash asks

"Guys, seriously, calm down." I try, but am left being ignored

"Very funny, they're carrots, peppers, and bugs! Everybody has something they don't like and I don't like bugs!" She argues

"Counter argument, I can't remember what I don't like!" I state

"Other than Sallec." Misty adds

"That's better."

"Oh yeah? Well I like carrots, peppers, and bugs. What I don't like is the fact that your hurting Caterpie's feelings with your silly fear of bugs." Ash argues

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