100th Win

21 1 0

"Where are we going?" Ash asks

"Ugghhhh we told you this multiple times already..." I groan

"How many times does Sallec and I need to tell you? Vermillion City. It's got a luxury cruise ship and I'm dying to see it." Misty says

"Maybe I'll end up liking boats and ships." I tell myself

"We're not gonna have time for sightseeing." Ash says

"And why's that?" Brock asks

"I have to get more badges. Obviously." He replies

"I actually heard Vermillion City's gym is pretty great." I state

"From who, Mr. No Memory?" Misty asks me

"Brock told me." I say sheepishly

"Alright! Time to win my third badge! Lets go!" Ash says enthusiastically

"Not so fast. Don't get you're hopes up, there are a lot of tough trainers around here!" Misty says

"Ah, bring 'em on! I bet none of them has even one Pokémon badge!" He says with complete confidence

"There's gotta be someone that has at least one." I state

"Yeah, it's only logical. You can't be the only Pokemon Trainer here." Brock agrees

"Speaking of badges, why don't you try to go for badges, Sallec?" Misty asks

"Easy. I'm not competing in the Pokemon League. Unlike Ash, I'm spending my time figuring things out." I reply

"Hey!" Ash retorts

"You have to be as strong as Ash by now, maybe even stronger." Brock states

"Hey! I'm strong!" Ash continues

"Weren't your first two badges basically earned in an unfinished battle? I mean you forfeited against Brock, got the badge. Team Rocket stopped the battle between you and Misty, and you still got the badge, mainly because you restored their swimming pool." I acknowledge

"Oh yeah, he's right!" Misty says

"Ngh! Alright then, Sallec, I challenge you to a battle! I have three pokemon while you have one!: Ash challenges me

"No thanks." I walk ahead

"What? Why not?" He whines

"Not interested. I'll stick to training thank you very much." I state


We head on, eventually running into another trainer that challenges us. Ash is the only one that accepts and practically wipes the floor with him using Pidgeotto.

"And I win! That's number ten!" Ash exclaims

"You're a pretty good trainer..." The trainer sighs

"I guess I was pretty good there. I mean, I don't mean to brag, but I do have these." He shows the trainer his badges

"Woah, you got badges?"

"Yep. Earned both myself."

"Okay, giving those badges to him were a mistake, What's wrong with you guys?" I turn to Brock and Misty who just glare at him angrily

"Hey, my sister's gave him the Cascade Badge, not me." Misty argues

"Then what's wrong with your sisters?" I ask, crossing my arms

"I'm wondering that myself." She sighs

"I bet you could even beat A.J.!" The trainer says

"A.J.?" Ash asks, confused

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