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I lie to myself to justify your ways
I lie to myself to justify your days
I lie to myself cuz it's the only way
I find myself able to live another day

You aren't here
You've left me alone
I can't do much
But I stay by the phone

You broke the promises
You promised way back
I know it's rough
So I've cut you some slack

I lie to myself to justify your ways
I lie to myself to justify your days
I lie to myself cuz it's the only way
I find myself able to live another day

It's not all you
I guess it's me too
I keep writing this letter
To tell you we're through

But we're not, we can't be
We never are
Always so close
But so very far

So I lie to myself to justify your ways
I lie to myself to justify these plays
I lie to myself cuz it's the only way
I find myself able to live another day

I lie to myself Cuz I can't do much else
I'm sinking low, into a lifetime of hell
I cry inside knowing the lies
Are the only truths I choose to hide

I lie to myself to justify your ways
I lie to myself to justify your days
I lie to myself cuz it's the only way
I find myself able to live another day

Songs From WithinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang