Chapter 20

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Willow's POV

I stopped by the office to checkout of the motel and thank Deloris for everything that she's done for me before heading to my room for the last time. It didn't take me very long at all to pack up everything. I made sure to double check all the drawers and such for everything. When I got to the Retreat I put the food that was still good in the kitchen. I then went up to Dom's, no our room, and unpacked all my clothes and put them away along with all my bathroom stuff. Dom was sweet and had saved me half of the space in his ginormous closet however I only needed a small fraction of it so there's still a ton of empty rods and shelves.

Now I have been sitting on my stool with Evan beside me for the last hour. We had played catch up on whats new after he gave me significant grief about "Reeking of Alpha" before laughing so hard he almost fell off the stool. Then he admitted to doing the exact same thing to Lisa and she was still a senior in high school. She was so embarrassed she threatened to reject him if he continued to leave marks all over her body. They compromised by him only leaving they where easily covered by her clothes.

I feel on edge waiting for Dom to show up. We had never settled on a time to meet up and I didn't want to mind link him and become the 'nagging mate' if he was busy with Ryder. I don't know how long the meeting was supposed to go or if something else had come up. I am sure if he wasn't going to show he would link me wouldn't he?

I really miss him which feels silly because I just saw him this morning but  I had been getting weird emotional fluctuations all day and I couldn't wait for Dom to hold me. Just being with him calmed everything down. Perhaps my emotions are so all over the place because of everything that I have dealt with in the last week; Facing my parents death, finally saying goodbye to Callan, dealing with Derek and Jessica's selfish bullshit, completing the mating ritual with Dom and all the sex, all the orgasms, all the everything.

"Do I even want to know what has your cheeks lighting up like a Christmas tree?" Lia asks as she grabs a glass to fill.

"Just thinking about Dom and"

"NOPE! I do not need you going into anymore detail about my brother. Enough said." She cut me off and started to walk away.

Evan's laughter right next to me was loud and instantaneous. "You have the power to wig out Lia. Not many people can do that."

"Shut up" I scoff as I punch his arm then try, unsuccessfully, to shove him out of his seat.

"So violent. Mating is supposed to mellow you out not rile you up." He jokes causing me to blush even more than I already was.

"On that note, I'm going to the lady's room. Don't let anyone take my spot or touch my beer." I say as I hop off my stool and head down the short hallway behind me.

As I come out of the bathroom I notice that Evan is gone and someone is sitting in my seat drinking my beer. I would have been absolutely livid except I recognized this man, I would have recognized him anywhere. I slide onto the stool where Evan usually sits and try my best to look seductive as I lean closer and purr "Hey there handsome, come here often?" while running my fingers up his forearm.

Without even looking at me he gently removes my hand from his arm and replies "Sorry to disappoint you miss but I'm happily taken. Better luck next time." As he finishes off my beer and signals to Lia for another.

Oh he thinks he's funny, well two can play at this game. "My apologies sir, I thought you were someone else. Well, you have a good night." I turned my back to him catching Lia's questioning look and I winked in reply. I noticed Jasper, Jenna, Graden, and Lani sitting in the same booth we had sat in perviously watching us so I decided that I would go over to them. Just as I hopped off the stool an arm snaked around my waist and pulled me into his lap.

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