Damn Eldar...

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It showed in a Y/n white world he is surrounded by the four Chaos Gods they faded away while saying something. the screen changed to see rask jumping on Diplos and messing around Espadon was looking at his brothers and smiled he petted Krov which made both of them happy Marquis picked up his daughter and swung her around he hugged his wife and kept his family close. Hunter was tending to his kids Jin and Wright which was butting heads again and the others was trying to calm them down but hunter grew a tick mark and hit both of them onto of their head they sat on the floor while Hunter was giving them a lecture. Aryia was practicing with her whip, Nas adapted her techniques and wrapped his sword around the dummy and pulled back destroying it completely he looks at Aryia she look back with a nod of approval, we see ???? Sitting on top of ???? With their Sniper on ????using them as a bipod. Next we see Y/n walking into the area which made everyone look back at him and smiled and started joking around with him next Y/n quickly faded and grew a angered look when he realized that the Bloodravens were gunning down his uncle and aunt and flaming their house he saw that the imperium ran over their bodies to attack the bigger city Y/n's roar and ran cutting and crushing the imperium's units he sees the city lit on fire and that Chapter Master Gabriel and other chapter infront of Y/n next up we see another Space Marine fighting Y/n he wore white armour in contrast to Y/n Which wore black the Space Marine in white and Y/n striked their wepons the clash and sparks which made the screen flash now we see Y/n holding out his weapon signaling his army to charge he jumped from the mountain and dived into the enemy head first his weapon about to Skrike he clashed with guts sword Y/n flipped over Guts and kicked tatsumi out the way he stood in the middle and started to power up which left a crater in the ground and the screen stopped to see Y/n with his same grin as always with a black and red aura surrounding him and his eyes in their daemon form shining through his helmet...

Y/n pov:

I walked back to see the entrance there was no shine which meant that it was night on this world I walked and looked to my left which Marquis wasn't there.

Y/n: "damn, where is he?"

I looked further beyond the snowy hills and saw a group of lights and campfires in the distance

Y/n: "guess they're setting up camp"

*10 min timeskip*

I was closing in on the camp but I heard shouting and decided to sit and observe from above

I was closing in on the camp but I heard  shouting and decided to sit and observe from above

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A/n: "the camp looks like this but alot more bigger because of your army"

Wright: "well guess what Jin?! No one cares that you was appointed leader I will follow my own orders!"

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