➣Chapter 10

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The upcoming days were about planning their extraordinary wedding. Not only is it extraordniary because they agreed about it being held on an island, not so traditionally as in London, but knowing but also because the fact that Captain Jack Sparrow is getting married was by no means one of the average things.

They decided to go to that moonstone island where they first confessed their feelings to each other. Jack invited many of his pirate buddies to the biggest event of his life, and the bride was looking forward to meet them, even though no one from her side was invited to the ceremony.

On the big day, they were both very excited and more and more ships docked on the island. Alyssa spent all day putting on her gown, doing her hair, and putting on her long veil. Some members of the crew helped her with the final touches and also gave her a beautiful bouquet. She couldn't have been happier. Jack, of course, was preparing in the company of his best mates and father in another cabin, and they kept asking him how he ever got himself to settle down. He wore a white ruffled shirt with his most elegant black jacket, black pants, and even a large feather pinned to his hat.

The venue had already been prepared by the crew, there was an arch grounded decorated with flowers, and chairs were also placed in front of it, creating a small aisle where the happy wife-to-be would walk in. Musicians were also called, and when everyone took their seats, and Jack was getting nervous, standing from one foot to the other minute by minute. A few moments later, as the girl finally appeard, walking there on her father's arm, the band began playing a wedding march.

The girl's veil and dress were gently blown by the wind, holding the beautiful bouquet of flowers, and her eyes, though wiped with a handkerchief, were still so teary. After all, not everyone is given to marry a pirate lord of the seas. Gibbs was asked to conference the wedding, so he stood next to Jack, supporting him.

For the first time in Jack's life, his deep brown eyes began to tear up as he saw the love of his life in her beautiful fancy dress with her face covered with a veil. When she got to him, he couldn't help but whisper.

"You look breathtaking, lovey." He said with deep affection and admiration in his eyes.

"Dear Gatherers! We have gathered here today to witness the union of these two souls in the sacrament of marriage. Jack, do you take Alyssa-Rose Edwards as your wife, do you oath to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish her, till death do you part?" Gibbs asked Jack first.

"I do." He replied with a soft smile, while holding her hand.

"Do you, Alyssa-Rose Edwards take Captain Jack Sparrow as your husband, do you oath to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish him, till death do you part?"

"I do." She said on an emotional voice, looking her groom's eyes deeply, before Gibbs handed them the rings, they put on each others fingers.

"Then, as firstmate, now I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" Gibbs said cheerfully.

"I'm going to love you every single day for the rest of my life." Said Jack, rolling up the veil covering her face, looking into her eyes deeply, making sure she understands how serious he is.

"I promise the exact same thing to you, Jack. In good and bad times. Always and forever until death makes us part."

"And even after that." He added, and pulled her in a tight embrace, as he gave her a kiss full of passion, as a pledge to seal their marriage. The guests began to cheer, and the band sounded again. After the ceremony all the guests congratulated the newly wed couple, and had a huge party with lots of rum and dancing and music. Near the end of the party, the couple, only the two of them, sailed away for their honeymoon.

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