Ch1.5 (Earl Trancy)

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Alois stretched in his bed siting up and rubbing his eyes another sleepless night couldn't dream of anything but his dead little brother. The little brother that looked up to him the one he should have protected and should have stopped him from making a deal with a demon just to make him happy.

In all of his dreams he would see Luka making the deal then the dream would turn and Luka would be angry and tell the seam that he would want Alois to die to and never see him again.

Alois whipped the tears from his eyes trying to clam himself before one of the servants see him like this. The last time the triplets saw him crying they didn't let it go for three weeks they kept it to them selfs but the young earl know they were talking about him they may be quiet but they aren't to secretive of who or what they were taking about.

"Your highness?"

"Claude?... You may coming in."

As he said so his butler walked in with a tea cart with breakfast on it and tea. "Today I brought you breakfast in bed your highness with your favorite blueberry pancakes."

"What tea.... and I swear if it is earl gray I am throwing the tea pot out the window." Alois complained

"It's not your highness. I thought you would like to try the New Moon Drop tea."

"That sounds lovely." The young earl smiled and took a sip of the tea with pleasure."This is pretty good."


Alois laid his head on his desk bored not wonting to do anything simply doodling on a paper.

"Your highness?" Hannah asked walking into the room seeing her highness just laying there.

"What is it you stupid tot."

" Well Claude wanted me to come and ask you if you want to go out on a picnic for lunch."

"Tell him yes and get out of my sight."

"Yes you highness." Hannah spoke with fear in his voice and left very fast. But as she did so Alois throw a book at the door.

"That fool Hannah she needs to learn more respect an stop looking for sympathy." Alois continued to doodle day dreaming of him and Claude staying together forever. But even he knows it can't be true.

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